"Yes, it most certainly does. Even though I worry, I do hope to find a love like that someday." I quietly whispered without even thinking.

She reached over and patted me on the arm. "I am sure that you will Lord Ivashkov, I am sure that you will. Especially if my daughter has anything to say or do about it. We would all be very blessed to find a love anywhere near like what those two shares." She smiled.

I couldn't help but smile kindly at her. It is so easy to see how she makes such an amazing mother. My little cousin is very lucky to have one Guardian Alberta Petrova as her mother. Yes, indeed she is.

"Yes, indeed we would. So now that I know that my little cousin is safe, I also need to get some rest. When you are all finished here call this number..." I gave her a business card with just my initials A. I. and my cell phone number on it.

"I will give you the name of the hotel and you can make your way over. Or I could just ask Abe to send a guardian back for you. And I will have a room made ready for you to rest in and in the morning, if she is up for it by then, you can talk to Rose."

"Just send a guardian back in a few hours, that way I won't have to keep one of the SUV's. And thank you... all of you, for what you have done and are continuing to do for my little girl. She has needed someone, all of her life, that could put her first. And as much as I tried to... with my being the captain of the academy's guardians I just couldn't do that all of the time."

"All right I will see that that gets done. You needn't worry because you wanted to be there for her, and that is what truly counts. It is certainly more than what her biological mother has ever tried to do for her. And Rose understands that you got busy on occasion. She even told me to be as gentle with you as I possibly could as I explained all of this to you. Because biology or not, you are her mother. And even when you get busy, she still loves you as her mother."

She sighed. "Sometimes, I fear that she is just far too soft hearted for this world. But then there are other times, like the last few days for instance. That she is without a doubt the fiercest, strongest, most determined, most dedicated, most resilient, and most perceptive and protective person that I have ever been blessed enough to known. And I thank you, sincerely, for all of this information Lord Ivashkov. As well as all of the help and training that you have given to my daughter."

"Yes, she is. Please, call me Adrian, Guardian Petrova. You are after all my baby cousin's real mother. And you are very welcome, I may have only known her for a few days. But I love her just as if we had been able to be raised together as family."

She smiled and stuck her hand out to shake mine and I took it. "Thank you, and it's just Alberta."

"Thank you. And, as I said, please call me Adrian. Well, I need to go; I want to make sure that my cousins are both doing all right before we all try to get some rest."

"If you talk to Rose before, I do, please let her know that I love her and that I am VERY glad that she is ok. And that I am extremely proud of her for what she has done here in the last few days."

"I will be sure to do just that Alberta."

She nodded and turned back towards the house just as I headed toward one of the two remaining of Abe's SUV's. The other two had carried and escorted my cousins to the hotel around an hour ago. So, they should be either asleep or about to go to sleep right now. Which means in order to check in on them I will need to get information from Uncle Abe or some of his guardians.

After I got into one of the waiting SUV'S I looked out the window and saw none other than Janine Hathaway standing by the house that Rose and the others had been held in. And she was looking at the SUV that I had just gotten into, and on her face was a look filled with acid, hatred, and contempt. Now whether that was for me, Dimka, or for Rose I have no idea. And to be quite honest about it, I just don't give a der'mo either. The suka. But I do know that she would not have let me see that look if she had known that I could or would see her. She is far to brainwashed for that. As I said, suka. I just can't wait for her to find out that Uncle Abe, Dimka, and Rose are all royals too. I couldn't help but chuckle at that thought. I really hope that we all get to see her face as she finds out. (shit, bitch, bitch)

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