Chapter 14 memories

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I wasn't really asking if you wanted to love . He says walking away to the front counter. I decide just to sit while he gets a room . I never seen this side of Romeo before ,I like this sweet ,over worried side of him. He's usually just a cocky annoying bastard.
He comes back over to me and looks nervous.

We go up the elevator to our room and open the door.That would be why he looked nervous there only one bed . He looks over at me ,I'll take the floor he says making his way into the room.
I grab his wrist carefully,Don't worry about it Romeo we're both adults we can share a bed ,unless that makes you feel uncomfortable.

You sure he says looking unsure.

Of course.
He walks over to the bathroom and I hear him turn on the shower after about four minutes he comes out with only a towel around his waist hanging dangerously low on his hips. Fuck I would be lying if I didn't say he wasn't absolutely fucking gorgeous. His beautiful blue eyes , his jet black hair that's just the perfect length . He's got the build of a Greek god fuck he was perfect everywhere.

Enjoying the show he questions giving a little chuckle.

Very much I say rolling my eyes and middle fingering him. He wasn't wrong I was enjoying the show.

He walks closer to the bed where I'm sitting and looks at me strangely, are you gonna go shower?

Oh ya I say .I go to the bathroom and undress quickly turning on the shower. It takes me a few minutes to get the courage to step under the water but once I do my body relaxes under the hot water rain drops falling down my shoulders .

I'm cleaning that gunshot wound when your done ,this is not optional Athena .Romeo yells from outside the bathroom instead of answering I just giggle .I can practically hear Romeo rolling his eyes from outside of the bathroom door.

I look down at the open wound, it's not too bad just a little sore. Once I finish washing my hair and hop out of the shower and run my hand along foggy bathroom mirror so I can see my reflection clearly. I can't but help look at the scars . There everywhere ,along my stomach ,all over my back and legs .

Some are small most are big some are form knifes others guns even swords . Fire was another one of my fathers favourites . Me and Zane got the worst of the abuse. We would always take the punishment for the twins so they stayed safe . It was always weird that no matter what Kingston did he never got the torturing me and Zane did. He always had favoured him for some reason.

Before my mother had died the beatings weren't that bad , he would usually just hit, punch or kick me . Once my mother had died it gotten much worse. He came back drunk more often and his temper got much worse. Like everything else after my mom died the beatings got worse it went from getting punched to getting stabbed. I can't tell you how many times I tried committing suicide . I still cut to this day haven't been able to stop . I've seen so many therapists over the years, I've done all the medication but nothing works.

Are you ok Athena you've been in there for a while Romeo says sounding kinda worried.

Ya , I just realized I have nothing to wear though .there's no way he can see my scars it'll only give him questions he won't get the answers to.

You have underwear right , just where that. I'll keep my hands to myself I promise.

It wouldn't usually be a problem except I have no foundation with my so I can't cover my scars . As I'm looking around for a way to solve my problem I see the perfect solution.

I walk out of the bathroom wearing only Romeo's shirt , luckily it's so big on me it reaches just above my knee covering most of my scars . If he doesn't look closely I don't think he'll notice the little bits that are sticking out from his shirt.

The look on his face is pure gold , his jaw is open eyebrows raised.

You can stop eye fucking me now Romeo I say Turing to him and rolling my eyes.

You should wear my shirts more often he says grinning .

Let's just get to bed now I'm so fucking tired .I climb into bed beside Romeo and turn away from him and turn off the lamp on the nightstand beside the bed .
Night Romeo .

Good night love .

Fuck that nickname is gonna be he end of me. As hard as I try to fight it my eyes start to close taking me under sleeps spell . Sleeping is the time my body gets to rest . My mind never rests which means for me, going to sleep is one of the worst parts of my day. The nightmares are relentless never letting me sleep. When I first started getting them I would wake up screaming, crying and in a cold sweat at first Zane would come up to bedroom wornering why I was screaming now all my brothers are used to my constant screams during the night ,they never stop.

Flashback /dream

All I can remember is I needed to ask father something urgent and I interrupted one of his meetings which made him really mad and then everything went black. All I remember is waking up in this cold dark bedroom tied to a bed where a creepy man was staring at me.

Your father told me you weren't behaving so he said I could do whatever I wanted with you the creepy man standing in front  of the bed I was tied to , he said coming over to me and grabbing my jaw forcing me do look at him. He pressed his lips to mine despite my thrashing and kicking .

Please stop I don't wanna do this I'm only 15 I beg tears falling down my face .

Oh girl the fun is just starting he said taking off his shirt and undoing his belt.

I realized then I only had underwear on , I knew what he was about to do I all could do was prepare myself for what was going to happen.

It was so much worse then I could have ever thought.

That chapter was so hard to write but hoped you liked it, gives you some more background on Athena. I would really appreciate if you leave a vote or comment thanks loves ❤️

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