Start from the beginning

Time to act then– "Love, can you teach me?" Khianna asked like a baby, pouting towards the boy.

And James? Oh, he wasn't expecting the Stark girl to pout at all. Her acting cute made his heart beat fast.

"Yeah, of course, Love" James stated with a smile.

"Here, get on"

He instructed after he got on the broom. Khianna got on, behind him. "Hold onto me" James whispered turning his head a bit to look at Khianna.

And when he did, both of their faces were inches away. Khianna gulps and James saw it making him smirk. The girl wrapped her arm around his waist.

James turned to look forward "Ready?"

"Yeah—" Khianna cuts herself off by squealing. As James kicks his feet off the ground, the couple flying up in the air.

Khianna held tighter onto James waist.

"James!" Khianna called on, panicking. Seeing how far off the ground they both were.

"Do you trust me?"

"What kind of question is that—"

"Do you trust me?!" James asked again.

Khianna was hesitant but answered, "Yeah, I do" And she didn't know where that came from.

"Good, hold on tight" James said as he had the two of them zooming. Khianna gasped, closing her eyes as she buried her face on his back.

"Khianna, open your eyes"

"Are you kidding—"

"Just do it"

And she did. She pulled away a bit, opening her eyes and before her is Hogwarts looking majestic as always. She was in awe as her and James circled around it.

"It's so beautiful" Khianna whispers in awe.

"If you love the up close look then wait for this" James said as he zoomed further. Finally, Khianna relaxes as she leaned her head on his back. Staring at the beautiful scenery that James is showing her.

Then before Khianna is the sight of Hogwarts in the distance. How the castle stood proudly by the cliff. The sunset setting made it more magical.

"Wow...." Khianna whispers.

James looks at her "Yeah... Wow" And Khianna didn't notice that James is already looking at her.

Admiring how her beautiful electric blueish gray eyes shimmered with the golden rays of the sun.

"So beautiful..." James was not expecting that from him at all.


"My fault?! You took me on a joy ride. How is it my fault!?" Khianna stated pissed.

"Yeah, It is. It's your fault because you were scared!! Who the hell is scared of flying on a broom?!?!"

"I am!" Khianna yelled towards the Potter Boy.

"If you weren't so selfish, you would consider my feelings!!!" Khianna yelled her final statement before turning a heel and stomping off.

Not looking back to towards James who looked pissed but at the same time, he felt bad that he did that to Khianna.

Khianna continued to walk to Hogwarts, grumbling under her breath. Oh, when she gets back to 1996, she could smack Harry. They really were father and son in some ways.
Because she was so busy, grumbling and cursing James Potter. She didn't notice a boy walking out of a corridor.

Making them bump into each other.

"Oh gosh! I am so sorry!" Khianna apologizes as papers were flying everywhere. She bends down to help the boy pick it up.

"It's fine" The other said. Khianna looks up to meet infamous gray eyes, curly long black hair and a well define jaw line— a handsome face in general.

And she could recognize that face anywhere.

The two of them stood up as Khianna handed the papers to the boy.

"Thank you" He said with a smile on his face.

He extended his hand out, "Regulus. Regulus Black" He introduces himself.

Khianna extended her hand, shaking his hand "Khianna Stark" She introduces herself. The two of them not noticing some Gryffindor girls watching them.

The two of then smiling at each other. As they both let go of each other's hands. Regulus then said.

"Well, It was a pleasure meeting you, Khianna" Regulus bids.

"Bye..." Khianna said as Regulus turns around to walk away and Khianna did as well buy Regulus stops in his tracks turning to look back at the girl.

"Uh, Khianna?" Regulus called as Khianna turns around.

She smiled "Yes?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you want to grab a book sometime. I heard that you love to read" Regulus asked her making the young Stark smile.

"Yeah, I'd love too"

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