Chapter 23 - Perfume and Bug Spray

Start from the beginning

"Also hauling my ass? I'm not fucking stupid. Damn."


The crowd recentered itself in the main atrium. Chris and Harlan were apparently outside fighting for their lives trying to contact police. Since you were mildly safe, you decided it was time to soothe your nerves. Every cell of your body felt like it was on fire. Despite your brave act, you were most certainly not going to handle this well. But of course, you definitely weren't scared of bugs.

You'd been talking all tough, but your eyes stung and your throat swelled with glassy tears. You could barely keep the need to sob in check. You were sweating bullets, and felt sickly.

You were worried. You were scared. Worse, you had to be brave. You didn't have anyone to kill these bugs for you this time. But you weren't upset about that. Going almost 30 years without getting rid of such a simple fear. It was time you grew up and dealed.

But back to soothing your nerves rather than highlighting them. There was one thing in your purse that would do that. A small plastic bag. A plastic bag full of gummy bears. Ah, the snack from whence your nickname came. Your odd habit of putting them on ice cream.

You tore open the bag and popped one in your mouth. You expected many things when you opened candy bags. Most often you expected someone to ask if they could have some. But you were a stubborn thing when it came to candy. Stubborn and rude.

But requests were not what you received. Instead, you felt a hand wrap around your free one. A soft, loving hand. One you recognized as Norman's. All of your other friends seemed to shoot him quite the intense side-eye.

You laughed slightly, "Thank you, Norman. And all of you. Stop being jealous. Norman has two hands, after all." You teased. You were perfectly aware they were jealous of him, not you, but where was the fun in that?

Bill chuckled and lightly punched your shoulder. Stu stuck out his tongue. Chucky, however, responded rather unexpectedly, "Well, damn. I'm not gay, but I ain't sayin' I'm straight."

Freddy shrugged, "I don't judge. Gay or straight, I can still kill you. Which hole you take it in doesn't change me stabbing you."

You were, at this point, giggling your ass off, joined by basically everyone. Ah, candy and comedy. It seemed your nerves would settle after all.

But alas, the slight reprieve was quickly erased by the crowding of the larger populus of the atrium being directed towards a storage tunnel. Said tunnel seemed to lead into a mine. Why was a mall connected to a mine? Honestly, you had no fucking clue.

But you were sure to get moving. Your group tossed the glass bottles of scent across the atrium as if they were hand grenades. You were careful to toss where there weren't any people to avoid injury. You also continued to stick to the back of the group so you could continue chucking your scented bombs towards your arachnid foes.

Despite being horrified, and likely crushing the everloving shit out of Norman's hand, you were actually kind of having fun. Sure, your life was most definitely in danger, but something about tossing perfume bottles at giant spiders in the middle of a mall while running towards a methane-filled gold mine was absolutely comical to you. Actually, not just something was comical about it. Everything was comical. It was hilarious.

You eventually reached the storage room, just as that police woman drove a forklift into the entrance, blocking the spiders from reaching you.

Chris instructed everyone to not light anything, because it could set off the methane gas in the mine and kill everyone. A less than favorable outcome, you were sure.

LOVESTRUCK  //  Slashers x Fem ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara