Chapter 4 - All I've Got On Hand

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You were quite sure that a lucid dream was supposed to let you do most anything you liked, right? So what if you dreamt of a doctor's office? You could disinfect the wound, and then bandage it. Problem solved.

And so you did just that. There was only one problem. Lucid dreaming let you do almost anything you wanted to. As to say, the only bandaging you had was bright pink. But of course, you wouldn't complain. It was bandaging nonetheless, and there was disinfectant as well.

You were positive that he wouldn't appreciate the bright pink, but alas, it was either pink or brain damage. You didn't feel bad. He had ruined your night. He deserved pink bandages.

"Hmph, you know, you're a real jerk, dude. I was totally enjoying a nice nap before I quit my job, and you just had to come ruin it." You sighed, facing disinfectant into the bleeding wound, praying he wouldn't wake up.

Carefully, you bandaged his head up and rested him on the hospital bed you had dreamt up. This hospital room freaked you out quite a bit, if you were honest. It was like a mix between a doctor's office and a child's bedroom

You suppose. The bed that Freddy was lying unconscious in was similar to the bed you'd had as a little girl, and the odd decor lent itself to the way your grandparent's house looked. It clashed horribly with the sterile setting it invaded.

Once you had finished disposing of the materials you had used, you washed your hands in the sink. The cold water felt thicker than it should, like molten jelly pouring over your hands. It felt disgusting, and yet you didn't mind it too much. You just wanted to peacefully sleep.

When you finished washing your hands, you turned around to face the room again. This time, the room felt spinny and disgusting. You could feel dirt and grime everywhere, as if there were bugs crawling under your skin. You could feel the hair on the back of your neck, and a nausea rise in your stomach. Your body went cold, and you fell to the floor.

As you lay on the floor, the world slowly stopped spinning. You felt your stomach calm. The blood slowly slithered back into your arms and legs, causing a burning sensation to cover over your skin. Sadly, your suffering wasn;t nearly over. You felt sweaty and disgusting, and the worst headache hit you like a brick. A stabbing pain fled into your eye, and you started sobbing.

You squeezed your eyes shut,trying to stop crying, but to no avail. You slowly tried to sit up and lean against the wall. Your skull felt like it was pulsating inside of your head, and your eyes felt like they would pop out if you opened them. You rubbed your hands together - they were clammy and cold. You felt vomit building in your throat, and stood in a hurry to stand over the sink.

You flung the sink on, and instead of slow pouring jelly, blocks of ice slid out of the piping. You grabbed a piece of ice and rested it against your head, praying that the cool would save your flaming head from its unending throbbing. But despite your attempt, it didn't help. It burned. It was so cold that it felt like flames licking your palm.

You flung the ice away from yourself, and screamed in anguish at the pain in your skull. Your legs felt like they were gelatinous, and you sank to the floor, sobbing and wailing. When you finally opened your eyes again, the light in the room stung your retinas. Then, in a flash, everything went black.


Freddy's eyes peeled open, and a ringing sounded through his ears. A deep throbbing burned the back of his head. His eyes danced around the room in confusion. He was in a... hospital room? But that wasn't quite right, was it? The bed he sat in had colorful sheets, and a metal bed frame, as if it was taken from a child's bedroom. The decor looked old and homely, not sterile like a hospital.

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