Chapter 1 - Clouded Decision Making

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Six years ago, it was 1974. Six years ago, you graduated college with an accounting degree. Six years ago, your life had direction. Six years ago, you were a spry 22 year old and wanted to see the world. Six years ago, you had ambition. Six years ago, you wanted to be an artist, so you got an accounting degree so you could make money and do art in your free time as a side gig. Six years ago, you were happy. Six years ago was different.

Now it was 1980. Now you worked a plain, boring, painful office job. Now you were 28 and hated leaving the house. Now you barely worked towards anything. Now you were scared to even touch your artwork, knowing it wouldn't help. Now you were tired and depressed. Now was horrible.

Tonight, you were sitting on a barstool at some small time pub hidden in an alley down the road from your apartment complex. It was a nice place, despite its sketchy location. Next to you sat your best friend, who was talking to you about his parents, who had taken a long trip to the Caribbean. Something about how they had left him a shit ton of money because they'd be gone for a while.

"Don't you have a job, Diamond? Like, a really good one? Why did your parents need to leave you three million bucks?" You asked, your voice tired and gruff after a long week of working, and slightly slurring from the alcohol you had been drinking.

Diamond nodded in response and shrugged, laughing, "Yeah, Gummy Bear, but, y'know, my parents worry. But I guess it's a little weird 'cause I got my own job, house, everything. All I'm missing is a wife, y'know? Though, I guess I don't need one very much. I got you instead, Gummy Bear."

"I guess. I'd say your parents need to chill out, but you're the one with three million bucks from your mommy, not me, so whatever." You responded, jokingly. A tired yawn escaped your lips, and you stretched your arms above your head, "I dunno. I need something new in life. I think I should quit my job."

"Really? You've worked that job for six years! Though I guess I can't blame you for wanting to quit. Your boss totally blows." Diamond responded, his tone changing from surprise to understanding. He flagged down the bartender and ordered another drink, his goal being to try to forget his own name, though he was sure there were easier ways to do that.

The next few minutes passed in a deep and comforting quiet, broken only by the music playing from the jukebox in the corner of the room. Feeling defeated and tired, you rested your head on the table in your arms. Your hair was messy, your eyes were puffy and red, and you were basically about to fall asleep. Alcohol had always made you sleepy, and you'd been drinking since 8 o'clock at night. It was now 1 in the morning.

"Diamond, I want to leave this place. I want to go far away and see the world. I've seen all I need to of California, and as much as I enjoy being here, I'm bored of it." Your statement was solemn and sad. You sounded tired and empty. The whole tone of the situation, along with the wearing off of a significant amount of weed, and the fact that Diamond held his liquor quite well and wasn't really drunk at all, broke your friend from his mindless stupor. It had been a while since you'd seen him all there. The change in his tone of voice, the look of stress quickly building on his face. It was quite something, really.

"You wanna leave?" Diamond's sobered up voice was quite deep and sonorous, unlike his normal, high-as-balls-on-weed voice, which was grittier and much more tired. The surprise that laced his voice was intense, and it startled you slightly to hear it coming from your usually docile best friend. You lifted your head from your arms and nodded.

"But I wouldn't be able to see you anymore if you left! We couldn't drink together anymore! Or cuddle on the couch and watch those weird movies you like! Or- or-" You cut off his panicked ranting with a hand over his mouth.

"Come with me." The words were clear and intense, unlike your previous exhausted statements. Your eyes shined with a determination far more awake than you actually were. Diamond nodded. You moved your hand from his mouth.

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