Chapter 32 - What Did I Miss?

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Last thing you could remember, you'd been crowded in a closet hiding from cannibals. Now... Now you weren't quite doing that. Instead, you were laying on Betty's back as the spider crawled down an abandoned Texas road at full speed. You'd been passed out for the last ten hours.

See, here's the thing. When a doctor tells you to avoid stress, the first thing you should do is most certainly not stress yourself out. And originally, you had no plans to do such a thing. However, originally you were piloting around two killers that you weren't aware were killers. Now you had 5. 6 counting Betty. Great.

Naturally, after being crammed into a closet, you'd started debating if the whole ordeal was a good idea, resulting in you feeling incredibly stressed. Yeah. That wasn't good. You'd ended up passing out in what normally would've been perceived as a comedic gag. Of course, you didn't think fainting was very funny, but your companions had seen it happen so many times that they were less than surprised. As for what happened while you were out cold? Well...

***Ten Hours Earlier***

Diamond groaned and picked up the now dead weight of his best friend, and had Norman check her pulse and breathing. She would be fine. At this point, it was commonplace for her to have fainting spells. She would probably be back up and running in about half an hour.

But the issue there was that they didn't have half an hour. They knew they didn't have half an hour because of what they heard outside. Bubba was jabbering about something indiscernible. Whoever he was talking to shouted at him to just spit it out, before rescinding the statement after recalling he couldn't.

Freddy then pointed at the door with an evil grin and whispered, "This is our chance to get some kills in, guys!"

Bill and Stu grinned as well, and looked at each other before nodding.

Diamond groaned, "You know, you hurt anyone while she's unconscious and she'll kill you."

Chucky flipped Diamond the bird and laughed, "Please, I haven't killed anything in ages. Who gives a shit about what your girlfriend wants?"

That comment was, unsurprisingly, enough to cause Freddy to slightly open the door, throw Chucky out into the open, and then carefully shut the door again, praying no one saw.

"Act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch." Freddy raised his hands, obviously trying to justify the possible death sentence he just gave them all.

Diamond nodded in agreement, and decided to look around the closet they'd been stuck in.

It wasn't really a closet. More of a cellar. It was full of barrels and old bottles of wine - likely used for the amusement park that seemed to have been here long before Bubba and his family ever were.

He tested the wooden floors of the closet, looking for weak boards he could rip up to use as a weapon.

Finally, he felt a slight drop as he stepped on the floor. A loose board. Norman took you from him, and he reached down and ripped it up from the floor.

And, of course, what did he do with that piece of wood? Well, perhaps that's better left for when I have more time to tell you of it.

[Words: 553]

(A/N - sorry again for short chapters but I'm pretty busy with school and with other writing sooo... yeah. Also, it occurred to me to mention that this book is basically for shits and giggles at this point, and nothing in it - for now, at least - is gonna be too angsty. I mainly realized this because of how intense my creepypasta book has been since I started writing it. Honestly, I'm fine with the silliness and the relaxation of a dumb, not-to-realistic story. It's fun to write something dumb, so this book is basically therapy for me. It may get more serious at some point - actually, I guarantee it will. But for now, it's gonna be fun and spoopy.)

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