Chapter 20 - Why Gummy Bear?

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You gasped as you flung your head up. You were in the backseat of your car, a blanket rested over you.

"Y-You're awake! Tha-nk goodness! I was t-terrified that you mi-ght not wake up."

Norman sat leaned over you. You glanced at your watch. 8:30. Good. You'd only been out for a few minutes. But Diamond wasn't back yet. That grunt. You'd heard it. What if he wasn't alright? What if he- No.

You couldn't let yourself think that way. Not yet. All you'd heard was a grunt. Diamond had been through worse. But those stab wounds were still healing. He was injured. He had a fake leg.

Maybe that was it? Maybe he'd just gotten his prosthetic leg knocked, and was having trouble walking! But that wasn't better either. What if he was stuck outside? Immobile? You had to check on him.

"I'm going to get him." You rose from your spot in the back of the car and reached for the door handle, when a burnt hand stopped you.

"Not a chance, Dollface. No way." Freddy's eyes narrowed at you.

Anger seared behind your quickly clouding eyes, "But he could be hurt! I have to go help him!" You pulled your hand away from his.

He rolled his eyes, "Because. Billy and Stu are already out there. They're out there kicking ass. Don't worry."

You hadn't realized it before, but he was right. Bill and Stu weren't in the car either. But that only scared you more. They weren't kids, but they were way younger than you. They were still young enough for their parents to lose their shit if they got hurt. With that knowledge, you did something that blindsided the three men left in the car.

You pulled loose the headrest in the car and jumped out before they could stop you. After all, they were built to break glass. A spider probably wouldn't hold up well either.

You slammed the car door shut and locked the vehicle before the others could chase you. Those idiots shouldn't have left you with the keys. And it was a good thing you got out of the car.

The world around you was carnage. Bill and Stu were fine. They were, as Freddy had said, kicking the spider's asses. But... Where was Diamond? You ran around to the other side of the car. Nothing.

You searched everywhere while Bill and Stu shouted at you to get back in the car.

Nothing. Nothing anywhere. You even opened the storage container to see if he'd hidden in it.


A spider came up behind you. Your mind went blank with rage.

You dug your nails into its eye sockets, ripping each of its eight eyes from its head. Slime and blood leaked from its emptied eyes. You threw them to the ground, and drove the headrest into the top of its head.

All the while, a plain and empty expression flooded your face. Behind those hollowed eyes was a swirling thunderstorm of rage and sadness. These monsters, whether through kill or capture, had taken your best friend from you. And you didn't care which.

The spider was long since dead, but you continued mauling. You wanted it to be broken and bloodied. You snapped its legs at each joint, almost enjoying the crunch as you dismembered it.

When that spider was too far gone, you gave the next of its kind the same treatment. You felt more anger with every execution. None of it was enough. Because you didn't have him back.

You only stopped wailing on the last dead spider when Bill and Stu pulled you away from it. You desperately screeched at nothing and no one as they dragged you back to the car. Bill pulled the headrest from your hands, and Stu ripped the keys from your clutches.

LOVESTRUCK  //  Slashers x Fem ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang