Chapter 14 - A Little Help Here Please!

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You'd been watching the Twilight Zone for what had to have been hours now, and despite how much fun you were having, a voice in the back of your head whispered that perhaps you should be more scared than you were. You glanced at each of your house guests as the ending to the episode played on the screen in front of you.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, you paused the show and spoke, "Look. I need to talk to you guys about something very important, okay?"

The boys stared at you with confused faces. Bill nodded, "Yeah? What's up?"

"...Diamond, you know this, but... everyone else. I'm moving away. I quit my job yesterday as some of you know, and it's because I'm moving away to Canada."

Diamond and Freddy both nodded. Chucky shrugged. The strongest reaction came from the college boys sitting on your couch. Appalled expressions were etched into their faces. "You're kidding!" Stu shouted.

You shook your head, "It's been a long time coming, and I think it's time I get out of California and see the world."

It was Chucky who spoke this time, "You happen to be willing to stop by Chicago on your way there?"

Chicago. That's what the accent was, then. It was also where your father had moved when he divorced from your mother. You were reluctant to go anywhere near Chicago. But... "I may be willing, but you'll owe me, got it?"

Chucky groaned and cursed to himself before sighing and giving in, "Fine, fine... whatever."

You nodded. "Diamond was planning on coming with me. If anyone else would like to join our adventures, you may speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Freddy, Stu, and Bill all raised their hands. You smirked slightly and nodded, "Well geez. Alright then! But there is a catch."

Everyone stared at you with hesitant expressions.

"You have to help me pack my things."

A groan passed through the room. You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Too bad. I'm gonna need help with this thing, dammit! And I'm not planning on letting you guys slack when I'm gonna be your mode of transportation across the US!"

Stu raised an important question, "So where are you moving?"

"Montreal. There's this college there. They're selling an old sorority house that hasn't been used since '74."

He nodded, "And we're driving all the way to Montreal?"

"Correction, I'm driving all the way to Montreal. You all are people I would never in my life entrust a vehicle to. Now then, everyone, I'm going to assign you a place to pack things up. Be careful with my belongings, please."

The boys nodded.

"Freddy, I want you to give me your knife-glove, and then you're going to pack up the books on my shelves into boxes. Each shelf is already sorted, so just put them into the boxes in order."

You pointed him towards the pile of folded boxes in the corner. He nodded, removed his glove - handing it to you with a wink - and got to work packing books, "You got it Dollface."

You rolled your eyes and continued, "Bill. Stu. Pack up the movies and electronics. Remember to carefully roll up and tie each cord separately so as not to tangle them. As with the books, each of the movies are in order."

You took out the Twilight Zone tape and placed it on the shelf where it belonged. Bill and Stu began their work as well, excited to study over your collection of films.

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