Chapter 66: Growing and Evolving...

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Ralts took a look over at the scene which was brutal. It was horrid to look at. A sea of crimson, no matter what memory it had accessed. Yet, Ralts could not change what had happened. It looked over at the memories as just that, memories. Maybe, instead of running from it now, it could finally begin to accept what happened. Ralts walked further towards the crimson, placing its hand on the scene, on Mudkip's head and beginning to heal them. The same for the two thieves. It couldn't fix it in reality, so the next best thing was to fix the memories. The wounds began to heal themselves, and suddenly the shadow began to pounce on Ralts, desperately attempting to get Ralts to stop. But, Ralts was devoted. It used its mind to help them recover, and once the scene was finally fixed, Ralts suddenly found the strength to repel the shadow. A psychic aura gripped it and suddenly threw it far from the memory. Ralts took a deep breath...

Ralts' body began to glow a bright blue, emanating energy that shined throughout the battlefield. The crowd watched with amazement as its body began to change into something entirely different. Alex knew what was happening, and wanted it to stop immediately.

"Shadow Ball!", he blurted out, as Haunter created a ball formed from the shadows of the battlefield, before launching it straight at Ralts. The Pokemon was beginning to ascend from the floor, right into the path of the shadow ball. Ellie closed her eyes and braced for the impact. Yet, nothing happened. Ralts quickly jerked its hand upwards, the Shadow Ball stopping completely, then being thrown back at Haunter. A solid hit had finally landed on Haunter. Then, the transformation could finally finish.

From beneath the arctic white dress, green legs began to sprout out, sticklike but able to move with great agility. The red spikes on its head began to part to either side, as did the green hair part to finally reveal more of Ralts' eyes. The hair grew further out of both ends, then the dress began to form into a skirt, cut into small pieces that flapped up and down as Ralts began to move gracefully across the battlefield. Well, I suppose you can't call it Ralts anymore.

Ralts has evolved into Kirlia!

Kirlia quickly let out a cry and then proceeded to create a beam of psychic energy, driving forwards and hitting straight into Haunter while it was unprepared for such an attack. Ellie watched with amazement as Kirlia's attack did a massive amount of damage. But, Ellie's awe would not make her lose focus, she made sure of that!

"Confusion!", she yelled and Kirlia grabbed Haunter in its psychic grip, holding it in order to try and throw it off from where it needed to strike. But, despite the goofy and silly exterior, Haunter was a battler, through and through. So, despite Kirlia's amazing efforts, Haunter's willpower allowed it to break through the confusion and spew out toxic waste from its mouth in the form of a large circular bomb. Kiria had to break the confusion as it saw the attack coming,

"Teleport, then Psybeam!", Ellie cried, with Kirlia following the command and teleporting out of the splash zone of the poison and delivering another Psybeam to the right of Haunter. However, the Shadow Pokemon was more than prepared to dodge the attack. Haunter floated to the side, the Psybeam passing just by it and smashing a stray rock on the other side of the battlefield. Now, both trainers knew that they wouldn't be able to just score easy hits. They'd have to both fight for it.

"Shadow Ball!"

"Disarming Voice!"

Each attack soared across the battlefield, colliding in the middle where they were both of equal power to each other, pushing and pulling against each other. Then, once the attacks generated an explosion, Haunter used the cover to float through the battlefield, creating another Shadow Ball that was blasted straight at Kirlia. The Psychic Pokemon sidestepped the blow just barely, the attack grazing its hair and skin. It dealt some damage, but Kirlia blasted right back with a Psybeam from where it had seen the Shadow Ball emerge, hitting Haunter again and sending it flying back across the battlefield.

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