31- Fifteen years later

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"Mommy! Get up!" The five year old girl giggled.

Hazel placed her hand to her eyes to cover them from the sunshine, then smiled at the girl with frizzy hair and a smile that could light up the whole world that was sitting in her bed.

"Morning, Emily" She waved, getting up "Where's daddy?"

"It's a surprise!" The little girl jumped up and down "He told he not to tell you"

Hazel got out of bed and picked up her daughter.

"Well, we should go and find out what is he doing, shouldn't we?"

The woman went inside the kitchen and found her husband with a baking tray in his hand. The smell of orange and chocolate made her eyes shine.

"Good morning, love" She smiled, hugging him from behind "A little birdie told me there was some kind of surprise going on"

"Well, it's not everyday you get to dance on the Paris Opera House" The man kissed her.

"It's tomorrow" She reminded him.

"Daddy said we're going to see Paris!" Emily screamed from excitement

"Daddy can't keep shut, can he?" Hazel rolled her eyes and grabbed a muffin "You're getting good at this, by the way"

"What can I say? I learned from the best"

Hazel tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed him. Frank stroked her cheek.

"Daddy! Mommy! We need to go to the plane!" Emily ran upstairs and grabbed her Minnie Mouse suitcase.

Hazel huffed and smiled.

"I'll go help her dress up before she puts on her ballet tutu again" She said, before going to help her.

Frank stayed in the kitchen, packing the muffins and wondering how did he get so lucky. He had the most wonderful woman in the world as his wife and the best little girl he could have asked for. He grabbed the bag with the snacks and smiled.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes!" Emily smiled, now wearing a blue overall and a rainbow t-shirt.

"Let's get to the airport before they leave without us" Hazel added, carrying their suitcase.

Frank took the luggage from her arms, earning a thankfull smile from her. They started to walk towards the airport, chatting and laughing.


When they arrived in Paris, they went straight to a hotel to get some sleep. Emily, who had been bouncing with energy the whole flight, was now snoozing in her father's arms.

"Nervous for tomorrow?" Frank asked his wife.

"You mean, nervous for the most important act of my career? No, of course not" She shook her head, her leg shaking.

"Just dance. You are the best dancer in the world. Show them. Show them how amazing my wife is"

Hazel blushed lightly and kissed him.

"Yeah, I'll show them. I'll show them until they are camping outside of our fence to get an autograph" She giggled.

"I'll have to sweep them off with the broom"


The Paris Opera House. A huge building, with ceelings high, chandeliers hangung from them. With fancy carpets and everything plated with gold. Hazel's mouth hung wide open.

"It's so big!" Screamed Emily, running around.

"Come on Emmy, let's go get seats" Frank held the little girl's hand "Wish mommy good luck"

"Good luck mommy!" Emily smiled.

"Go for it, love" Frank took the girl away.

Hazel took a deep breath and headed for the changing rooms, while he took their daughter to the seats.

They were in first row, which was impressive, thanks to Hazel. Frank just couldn't stop smiling as he sat, his daughter on his lap.

"Daddy, when I grow up, I want to dance like mommy" The girl declared, smiling.

"I'm sure you will. Did I tell you the story about how I met mommy?"

"No" The girl sat with sudden interest "Tell me!"

"Well, we met at a dance academy, and were paired up in the tryouts-"

"Wait" Emily interrupted him "You dance? And you have never told me?"

Frank smiled. They did have some time before the show started, after all. He got up and held his daughter's hand.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked, with a fake posh accent.

"Yes!" She beamed and started spinning around.

And, in her happy laugh and screams of glee, Frank could see Hazel in the girl. They both had the same passion, the same way of putting feelings into the dance. He knew she would be a great dancer one day, just like her mother.


Hazel wore a long blue and pink tutu. She was Gisele, the main dancer in one of the hardest ballets. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself, while someone screamed 'Five minutes left!"

She remembered when she had first applied to the tryouts of the Olympus Ballet Academy. A young girl with a dream and an amazing stubborness, ready to fight for it.

If someone had told her that, fifteen years later, she would be dancing in the Paris Opera House, she probably would have snorted and laughed until her stomach hurt. But now it was real. She was there.

"Three minutes!"

There she was, doing what she loved most, minutes away from her most important show ever. She had come such a long way, and she had enjoyed every second of it.

"One minute!"

She exhaled and smiled as she prepared herself to go on stage. She wasn't nervous, she was excited. Excited for the adventure ahead, the things she had achieved and the ones she would achieve. Because dancing was her life. It truly was.

"It's time! Hazel, on stage!"

She smiled, raised to pointé and leaped into the stage. Fifteen years ago, she never would have imagined any of the things that were happening to her. Truth be told, she didn't even know why did she apply to that tryout.

But, either way, she was glad she did.

Because, well, you never know.

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