25- It's not how much you give but how much love you put into giving

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Proud. That was what Hazel felt after dancing. That's what she'd been feeling ever since.

The day after the choreography, exam results were out. They gave them white envelopes with fancy calligraphy, and the eight of them reunited in the common room to open them.

They were taking shallow breaths, sweating.

"We'll open them at three" Annabeth said "Ok. One, two, three!"

Hazel glupped as she opened her envelope. Her eyes shone when she read it.

She had all As, and a couple of Bs. She started to jump and squeal at the same time. Around her, her friends also were having reactions from pure excitement.

Percy ran around the room, his arms in the air, while he screamed.


He grabbed Annabeth, rised her into the air and started spinning her.

"Perseus Jackson, you better put me down" She told him.

And he did put her down, but not before kissing her, full on the lips.

"I passed, Wise Girl, I did it! Thank you!" He said, nearly in tears.

Annabeth was blushing hard. She placed a loose strand of his hair behing his ear and smiled.

"No need to thank, it was you who did it" She whispered to him, hugging him.

Piper cheered for them, and she opened the fridge, taking out some lemonade.

"This calls for a celebration" She announced "Have we all passed?"

Everyone nodded, smiling. Hazel held the paper close to her chest.

"Well then" Piper continued "Let's go to the beach!"

They had the whole day free, it was a wonderful plan, no one said otherwise. Hazel put on her swimsuit, a plain dress and her espardilles, before tying up her hair.

Calypso helped her to make sandwiches, which they packed in a bag, along with the lemonade, some plastic cups and fruit.

"Here, we made it, you carry it" Calypso said, giving the bag to the boys.

And they started to run outside. The sun shone and the weather was warm. The year was ending, it was early march. Hazel kept laughing as she ran, not being able to stop.

She felt as happy as she ever had in her whole life.

When they arrived, they set their things down.

"Let's do a piggyback race!" Piper suggested, as she jumped and sat in Jason's back.

Percy grabbed Annabeth and propped her up, while Calypso did the same thing with Leo.

Hazel, not wanting to stay behind, looked at Frank.

"Should I...?" She asked.

Frank grabbed her wrist and picked her up.

"Let's go!"

They weren't sure about who won, for they all tripped with the waves and ended up soaking wet.

"It's so cold!" Annabeth screamed.

Percy giggled at her as he dived into the water, splasing them all.

Annabeth frowned upon his when he came back up, completely covered in seawed.

"Oh my, you're such a seawed brain" She tutted as she removed the seawed from his head.

They decided to have a  splashing battle, which was as violent as an actual war.

Leo sunk Calypso, and as revenge, she picked him up by his waist and threw him into the water.

"Not fair" He complained, spitting water.

Piper kept trying to splash Jason, but he was quick.

"Come back here, coward!" She yelled.

Jason stopped dead, and then looked at her.

"I like you, Piper. Not such a coward now, huh?" He confessed. And, while she was opening and closing her mouth in shock, he splashed her.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Piper slowly got really close to him, until he started sweating.

"Jason Grace" She started, all serious. And, in that instant, she pushed him, making him end up soaking. "Took you long enough"

She jumped, landing beside him and kissing him. They all started cheering for them.

Hazel walked away from everyone, hiding in hope of making a surprise attack. But someone seemed to have the same idea.

"I won't show mercy" She told Frank, sinking her arms in the water.

"Neither will I" He stated.

And, while she prepared to fight for her dear life, Frank winced.

"I won't fall for that" She said, smiling.

But he lifted his hand, bloody red.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed, as she ran to him.

"Don't get closer" He told her "I think there's a broken bottle somewhere"

"GUYS!" She yelled "GET OUT!"

She waited until Frank got out of there, and then ran to him.

She helped him out of the water, then looked at his hand. He had an awful cut across him palm.

"What happened?" Piper asked, jogging to them.

"Broken glass bottle" Hazel told her.

"Ugh, people are so dirty" She complained "Here, let me see"

Hazel ran to fetch some water and then grabbed her own bandana. She held Frank's hand.

"This is going to hurt" She told him.

She soaked the cut in water, before wrapping her bandana around it.

"Is it too tight?" She asked.

"No, it's fine" He mumbled.

"Are you guys ok?" Percy asked.

"Some people just decide to throw their trash in the sea" Piper growled.

Trash picking was definetly not what they had planned for the afternoon, but that didn't stop them. They armed themselves with big plastic bags and started to pick it all up.

And, meanwhile, they danced. Annabeth did a grand jeté. Piper did a front walkover and a side aerial. Hazel didn't walk, she did italian foutés. The boys did all sorts of jumps and turns.

Who said they couldn't have fun while cleaning?

That evening, when they returned, they were exhausted and covered in sand, but also glad and proud.

Hazel grabbed a bandage from the bathroom and returned to Frank.

"I'm going to clean this real quick, ok?" She told him, before damping the cut once more.

"Why do you even do this?" He asked "I mean, you're an awesome dancer, and you're gorgeous. Why are you hanging out with someone like me?"

The question shocked her. She finished bandaging his hand and held it close.

"Frank, listen to me. Life isn't just about how much you give. It's about how much love you put into giving. You were there through my lows. I will also be here. Here through the highs and the lows, I promise.

"But, why?" He asked again, looking down.

Hazel did not think it twice. She kissed him on the lips.

"Because I love you. You're amazing. Get that inside your head, will you. I love you"

For a moment, he was too stunned to speak. He mumbled, red in the face, until he managed to form a coherent sentence.

"Love you too"

Hazel beamed.

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