4- Don't worry about can go wrong and be excited about what can go right

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Hazel was practically begging on her kneed for the clock to strike half past two. So, when it finally did, she ran aout of the school building, adrenaline running through her veins instead of blood.

She had to make it to the bus station on time. The journey was two hours long, and she wanted to have time to warm up before it started.

People stared at her as she speeded through the streets.

"Look at that girl! Is she mad?" A woman asked

"No, I'm the girl who decided to go for it!" She screamed as she ran, laughing "You never know!"

When she arrived, she sat and waited for the bus, which came at exactly three o'clock. 

"A return ticket to the city, please" She said

"That will be five" The driver said 

She paid up, kept her change in her pocket and sat by herself, next to the window.

As the bus left the stop and started to roll by the roads, she breathed in. There was no turning back now. She would be a dancer, or die trying.

Well, maybe not die, but at least try her best. She felt the need to prove she could be special, too.

She unwrapped her sandwich and started eating quickly, as hungry as she was. No one was staring at her, and the seats were mostrly empty.

She ate the chocolate and the clementine, then stared at the window.

She caught her reflection staring at her.

"You are going to be a dancer" She told the reflection "Don't worry"

But her reflection still looked nervous.

"Hey, you're auditioning for Olympus ballet! It's your dream come true!" She whispered "Hey, stop worrying about what is going to be wrong and be excited of what you've already achieved. And what you will achieve"

Finally, her reflection seemed to relax, and with it herself.

Mentally, she repeated her coreograhy once more, her mind dancing.

Eventually, adrenaline wore off and she got tired. Her eyes threatened to shut, but she fought against the tiredness. She could not afford to skip her stop.

Luckly for her, as they aproached the city, she started to get nervous and excited again, her heart fluttering. She double checked that she had everything on her bag and opened her schoolbag.

As to calm her nerves, she did all of her homework, under the mental excuse that she would not have a minute that weekend. She promised herself that she would not loose that great opportunity. She would train and train and do her best.

She had come far. And, even if she wasn't proffesional, maybe she even wasn't a good dancer, but she would fight.

The bus stopped and her nerves were unbearable. The clock read ten minutes to five. She would have to be quick.

She got down of the vehicle and breathed in the city air. It was busy and full of people, with hundreds of cars and noise all over the place.

She spined in her place, her mouth opened in awe, as she processed everything she was seeing.

Then, she realized that she did not know which way to go from them.

"Excuse me, do you know the way to the Olympus academy?" She asked a man, but he ignored her.

She had the same luck for a while, until a blonde tall girl ran to her.

"Hi!" She waved. She had wavy golden hair up in a ponytail, her legs were long and she looked brawny. "I'm Annabeth. Are you lost?"

"Yeah" She admitted "I'm Hazel. I need to get to the Olympus academy, I'm auditioning"

"I'm auditioning too!" Annabeth smiled "Come with me, Hazel"

Hazel smiled as she followed the girl. She felt reassured that there were good people there. 

"So, why audition?" Annabeth asked "I do it because it's the biggest ballet academy in the country, and I adore dancing"

And, with that, she started a serie of pirouettes that Hazel knew she would never be able to do.

She then realized that there would be real competence there, and she barely knew the basic positions.

"I audition because my brother studies here" She said "I don't think I'll get in, though"

"Why so?" She asked "You never know"

She ended up craking a smile, and they ended up running until they reached the builing.

It was high, and seemed inspired by the greek partheons. It had marble columns and golden touches, statues everywhere and it was completely breathtaking.

Hazel realized her mouth was open and closed it. She turned to Annabeth, and she had her eyes wide open.

"It's real" She said "We're really here"

"Aren't you scared?" Hazel  asked her.

Deep down, she was terrified. She feared she would be rejected, but most of all, she feared that she would realize that, after all, she was not special.

And she feared that because she knew it was true.

"Scared? Oh yeah, I'm totally freaking out" She said "But this is actual Olympus! We'll be here the whole weekend! It's awesome!"

She smiled "Yeah, a whole weekend away, just dancing"

Annabeth extended her hand towards the other girl "Ready?"

Hazel held her hand "I was born ready"

Because she had finally realized that she would mess up. She would fall down, fail and suffer. But she would learn. Victory didn't mean a thing without failure. And, even though a lot of things could go wrong, many things could go right as well.

And she was going to focus on those things, and train harder than she had in her life.

She might be rejected, but at least she had to show them everything she was and could be. She would show them that she was special. That she deserved to be there.

She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She turned to Annabeth one last time and that gave her the confidence she needed.

Together, they entered the building, Olympus Ballet Academy, and prepared themselves for the adventure that awaited them, right ahead of them

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