20- You'll find a way if you want it. If you don't, you'll find an excuse

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Hazel did not know what recharged her. Was it the view of the building of Olympus ballet Academy, just a few meters ahead? Was it the soothing rain sound? Was it the excitement from her first day at the Academy?

Or was it the fact that she was so close to Frank that she could hear his breathing, his hand wrapped around her shoulders, as they both walked under the same umbrella?

Surely it wasn't that... was it?

Either way, she felt all fear evaporate from her body as she kept walking. And, although the rain was cold and her feet her soaking, she felt warm and eager.

The two of them reached the greek style building quicklier than she would have liked.

She broke appart from Frank and started spinning on her heels.

"We're here!" She yelled to no one in particular "We made it!"

Frank tried to do a spin too and landed beside her.

"Yeah, we did it!" He smiled

There they were. Living the dream.

It was her who reached for the door, swallowing hard and already missing Frank's touch. Wait, why was she feeling that?

As soon as she got in, she was ran over by a girl in braids she reconized, drawing a smile in her face.

"Hazelhazelhazelhazel!" The girl screamed, hugging her "I missed you!"

"Missed you too" She weezed "Can't breath, Piper"

Piper let her go with a smile, then a frown covered her face as she reached for her face and cupped her cheeks.

"What happened?" She asked, tracing her scars with her finger.

Hazel had not just forgotten about that night, but she craved to bury the memory deep inside her so it would never see the light of the day.

"Nothing" She smiled, trying to take the heat out of the matter.

Piper did not look convinced, but she didn't mention it again. Hazel thanked her for that.

Frank chose that moment to make an appearance, looking around in awe.

"Where should we go?" He asked.

"I'll just call my brother" She said, gettting closer.

Being honest, Piper expected her to take out a phone and ring him. But what she did not expect was Hazel to start screaming at the top of her lungs.


It took the short teenager boy less than five seconds to appear, a blond boy following close behind.

"Hazel! You made it!" He smiled "You should all hurry, Mrs Terpisichore is already there"

The three of them ran to the main hall, where a group of teenagers awaited. Hazel took notice that they were no longer trying out. Now, they were a part of the group, and they had to fight for it if they wanted to stay there.

They took place close to Nico's friends, as to blend in and not stand out way too much.

They realized that Annabeth and Jason were already there, paying close attention. They motioned to them to get closer and they happily obliged.

"Where are Percy and Leo?" Piper whispered urgently.

"No idea" Annabeth hushed "I haven't seen any of them yet. They'll be late"

Mrs Terpisichore cleared her throat and silence fell.

"Dancers" She adressed "Tryouts are over. Schoolarships have been given out. Every place is taken. If you're here, then it's for a reason. You deserve to. However, we already know you can dance. Now, we need to see you are eager to fight and train, to suffer and to keep trying until you make it"

They were all serious, looking at her, until they heard footsteps. Percy and Leo arrived, panting and sweaty, running to be on time.

"Aw man, told you we needed to get up earlier" Percy said before taking his spot beside him.

Terpisichore cleared her throat before continuing.

"As I was saying" She tutted "It will be a hard journey. Only one from every one hundred dancers become an actual profesional. And every year, every one of you thinks they will be the exception, they will be the one"

Hazel dug her nails on her palm.

"But, let me tell you something. Passion gives you wings to take you where your legs can't. And, if you keep fighting, they will take you further than you ever believed they would."

She stared at her teacher with her mouth wide open and determination fluttering inside her chest.

"Because, if you really want it, you will find a way. And, if you do not, you'll find an excuse"

A murmur of excited chatter broke in the hall, and Terpisichore smiled.

"Now, for the roomates..." She grabbbed a long list.

She started reading out names they did not know for a good ten minutes. Piper, Hazel and Annabeth were all holding hands and their breath.

"Lastly, Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Percy Jackson and Leo Valdez, room 32. And Piper Mclean, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque and Calypso Nightshade, room 33"

The three girls hugged while theytried not to scream from joy.

They said their goodbyes to the boys and made their way towards their room.

"Yay, we're together!" Hazel smiled.

"So who do you think that Calypso girl is?" Piper asked.

"I'm guessing she's... That one?" Annabeth pointed at a girl who already was in front of room 33.

She had long caramel hair, tanned skin and wore a greek style white dress. All Hazel could think was that she was gorgeous.

"Hi!" She said "I'm Calypso. Are you guys my roomates?"

"We sure are!" Piper smiled "Let's get in, I'm dying to see what they look like on the inside"

On the inside, they were exactly like the ones they had slept in the tryouts, but bigger and with a huge wadrobe in the wall. But what shoked them most was that there was another door.

"Should we open it?" Annabeth reasoned, but Piper burst in anyway.

The door led to some kind of common room, with armchairs, a TV and a sofa. And there was also a kitchen, with all necessities and a big table.

Hazel snatched a note that was stack to the fridge and read it out loud.

"Breakfast: 7 am. Dinner: 7 pm. Lunch will be cooked by the students in the respective shared kitchens, with money for groceries provided. No foods will be served on weekends. Students need to learn basic skills. Regards, your teachers"

"Oh great" Annabeth sat down in the sofa "I burnt water once"

And, right in that instant, another door they hadn't noticed opened.

And four boys they knew well appeared in the room.

"You're telling me we have to share with THEM?!?!"

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