7- Push yourself, because no one else will do it for you

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Five am. The early Sun hit Hazel's eyes and she quickly got up, in utter silence. When her eyes got used to the darkness, she looked around. Drew had some kind of face mask that was bright green. Piper had her hair over her face and was snoring her head off. Annabeth had falled asleep with the book in her face, and her breathing lightly moved the pages.

She tiptoed through the room, grabbed her bag and went in the bathroom.

She took a quick shower and got on her leotard and tights. She decided not to wear her shoes because she didn't want to break them already. She only had that one pair.

She stared into the mirror and tried to do a bun like the ones the other girls had.

After what seemed like ages, a gallon of water and a thousand bobby pins, she decided she was ready.

She went back to the room without making any noise and blindly searched for the barre.

First possition, second, third... They were coming easier to her now. Plie, grand plie, tendu... She repeated all the movements she could remember from the day before and tried to perfection them. She tried to do the split but failed misserably.

She did abs, pushups... Everything she could remember. She wanted to seem, if not profesional, at least not like a girl who had never in her life danced ballet.

She did a pirouette and finished on the floor. Another and she ended up doubling over. Another, another, another and another. She did it again and again, screaming "FINISH CLEAN!" to herself until she finally made a perfect one.

After a while, she heard noise. It was the alarm clock, buzzing. The three other girls rised at once, with different degrees of looking zombie-like. 

"What are you doing awake so early?" Piper yawned.

"Training" Hazel answered "It's seven already?"

"Yes. What do you mean, already?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh, I just have been up for a while" She looked down.

"Dibs on the bathroom!" Drew yelled while running inside.

Piper threw herself against the mattress.

"Oh, great. She takes an hour there, trust me." She said. Then, she rised "How long have you been awake, Hazel?"

"A couple hours" Hazel replied. Then she realized "Hey, wasn't breakfast at eight?"

Annabeth got down the bed so quickly that, when Hazel and Piper blinked twice, she had already dressed herself in a sea blue overall and white espardilles, and had braided her hair.

"So, you guys ready?" She asked.

Hazel smiled as she got on her pink t-shirt and some short jeans, while Piper wore a light blue tank top and white leggings.

Piper knocked hard on the bathroom door.

"Drew! Either you come out in five seconds or we have breakfast without you!" She screamed

Exactly five seconds later, Drew appeared in the doorstep. She wore a pink short dress and golden flats, with a golden headband as well.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She winked.

So the four friends walked to the canteen, chatting and giggling.

"I didn't know you liked sea green, Annie" Piper said in a singsong voice.

"It's turquoise, you uncultured" She replied

"It's the same colour at that boy's eyes. The one with black hair" Drew pinted out "Know who I'm talking about?"

"Of course she knows!" Piper smiled mischiveously "She's dying for him to notice her!"

Annabeth slapped her in the arm and they laughed all the way to the canteen.

When they arrived, they were served hot porridge with fruit and some kind of seeds on top, and they sat together to eat.

"What do you think the trial will be?" Hazel asked.

It was that girl, Kelli, that they had seen yesterday, who answered.

"Obviously not something you can do. How did they even accept you here? You know this is an academy for actual dancers, right? You know, talented people"

Hazel choked on the porridge. Her friends had their eyes wide in shock.

She wanted to slap herself. Why had she thought that people there would be any different from people at home?

And, the worse thing? That everything Kelli had said was true.

She glupped her tears and got up.

"Hazel, are you ok? You know she's just messing with you-" Annabeth started

"I'm not hungry anymore. Sorry" She whispered, and then leaved running.

She couldn't stop the tears now, which fell freely down her cheeks.

She scolded herself for being a crybaby, but she couldn't help it. Kelli was right, they shouldn't have accepted her there. She never should have applied in the first place.

She knew she had less than half an hour left until the trial, but she didn't feel like moving at all. However, she forced herself to wipe her tears and get up. She knew that no one would make her, so she had to made herself. She pushed herself to walk until she reached the room.

In a second, she got on her leotard and her ballet shoes, and ran to the studio.

Her friends were already there. The grabbed the barre, turning away, and started warming up.

"Are you ok?" Piper asked her.

"Yeah, fine" She said, while her heart screamed no.

Terpisichore arrived and everyone straighted up.

"Good morning. Please line up in the barre. I will evaluate you on your technique today"

Hazel took a deep breath and focused.

"Possitions, now"

Everyone started doing them. She tried to follow, forcing a smile in her face and bitting the inside of her cheek so she would stop crying.

"Very good. Now please line up. I want you to do two pirouettes and a grand jeté" Terpisichore announced.

Hazel saw that Kelli and her friend Rachel was first. They did it flawlessly. Annabeth and Piper were also incredible. The boys were pretty good, especially a latino short boy that jumped twice his height.

When her turn came, she was way too overwhelmed, but she forced herself. The room seemed to spin and everything was blurry. But that was normal, right? Just nerves...

She did the two pirouettes as neatly as she could, and then jumped.

"Told you she couldn't dance" Kelli snickered.

Hazel lost balance. She fell to the floor on her side with a loud thump.

Her friends ran to see if she was ok, but she was just focused on Terpisichore.

The teached tutted and scribbled something "Not enough" She muttered.

Of course. Because she wan never enough.

Why had she thought she had what it takes to enter Olympus Ballet Academy?

This chapter is for @booooks999999. Get better soon and good luck!

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