9- Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is what will set you free

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Hazel went to bed that night smiling, so proud of herself that she had to hold herself together so she wouldn't start jumping and giggling.

She made it back to her bed and closed her eyes, excited of the day ahead.

When she woke up, it was nearly six am. She rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, spitting hair that kept going in her mouth and blowing a lock that was stuck to her forehead.

She got on her leotard and tights, then tied her ballet shoes. She tied her wrap skirt with a bow and, when she was about to comb her hair into a bun, she stopped herself.

Five minutes later she was back in the room, her hair in an afro puff and her smile wide.

"WAKE UP LADIES!" She screamed 

The three girls awoke startled. Piper screamed and rolled in the bed, falling down.

"Where's the fire?" She asked, confused.

Annabeth looked like a zombie, crazy blonde curls all over her face and her eyes half closed.

Drew lifted her sleeping mask groogily.

"It's coreography day!" Hazel announced "And time for you guys to go have breakfast!"

"Well, someone's happy today" Annabeth muttered as she zombie-walked into the bathroom

"Just like you whenever you see Percy" Piper added, smiling cheekily.

Annabeth chased her, trying to slap her with a book and screaming "I DO NOT LIKE HIM!"

"She loves him, that's right" Drew smiled.

Their bickering continued all the way to the canteen, while Hazel couldn't stop smiling. She would do it. She would.

They were served some toast with fruit, which they devoured while gossiping and discussing fouettes.

"I'm telling you, you guys will get in" Drew pointed at them with the fork "Make sure to sent me the pictures when I'm back home"

"We will" Piper assured "But only if you come to all of our big acts"


Suddenly, that Percy guy got up and walked towards them. Annabeth turned a shade of red and the rest of them couldn't hold their laughter.

"Morning, ladies" He said "Annabeth, could I ask you something?"

Annabeth blushed harder and tried to hide behind her hair. Piper pushed her towards him.

"Of course you can" She asked "Annie here is quite excited to see you"

Annabeth gave her a look that read "I will get revenge" and then turned to Percy.

The boy offered his hand, and the three girls started to get excited.

"Annabeth, will you be my partner for the Orpheus coreography?" He asked.

Hazel and Piper erupted into laughter, and Drew smiled.

"Romance and ballet, how cute" She said.

At the end, Annabeth mumbled a reply.


The girls cheered for her as Percy left, chanting.

"Annabeth and Percy, sitting under a tree-"

"Shut up" Annabeth breathed, although she was smiling.

After redoing their hairstyles and warming up in the dorm, they returned to the studio, where there was no one. They therefore decided to train for a bit.

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