"Where are others?" Again it came out glibberish as hell. " Oh Jungkook is making breakfast for you. Taehyung didn't came home from work since yesterday because it's his turn to stay at home and look after you. He had to finish some work."

I immediately frowned. "I know Yn you can take care of yourself but we just can't risk . Besides it's my baby. Even if it's mine. Jungkook and Taehyung are the fathers too."

I nodded. I spat the toothpaste and he rinsed my mouth while I just kept whining. He gave a little smack on the side of my head and I pout.

He pulled my pants and underwear down and placing me on the toilet. "Now pee. I'll prepare the bathtub for you."

I hummed and later he gave me a bath. It ended up with Jimin's clothes being completely soaked in water. Proudly, I'll admit I splashed half of the bathtub's water on him.

He dressed me as if I was a toddler and picked me to the dining table. Jungkook was already sitting there using his phone.

I greet him morning and he did too. "Hyung can you give her to me?" Jimin nodded and placed me on his lap. He pecked my lips and I smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine kook." He nodded and fed me. "Well I think Yn tommorow I'll be staying with you and maybe for the whole week. What do you want to do in this week? Perhaps a small vacation? You and me? Yeah, what say?"

"Without Jimin or Taehyung?" He frowned. "Do you not want to go with me?" I immediately shook my head. "No it's fine. We'll go wherever you want."

He nodded. "Yn, Taehyung will be here in half an hour. Can you take care of yourself meanwhile?" I chuckled at him. "Ofcourse I can. That's what I am trying to make you all understand by the past two months."

"What?? We can stay for at least an hour hour. Can't we Hyung?" Jungkook interrupted and I narrowed my eyes at him. "What? I am not letting you alone." He said to me and I stuck my tongue at him while he acted to bite it. I gasped and he laughed.

"We need to go Jungkook. You know that too. We can't risk it." I frowned. Risk?

"What kind of risk Jimin?" He froze and I understood. "Jimin I still didn't ask you about your profession but please atleast just be out of danger."

He scooted closed and pat my head. " Y/N we know what we are doing. We'll always be fine." Jungkook sighed and interrupted. "We don't want to hide anything from you Y/N we'll tell you when the right time comes."

I nodded. I respect that.

"Where's my Y/N??" I heard Taehyung's voice and I immediately stood up running towards him. Jumping into his arms I clinged on him. "I missed you!!" I complained.

"You saw me yesterday baby." I pout. "Whatever!! I did miss you."

Jimin gasped and I looked at him. "What you don't love me?? You love Taehyung more?" All of us laughed and I sat between Jungkook and Taehyung.

We chat for a while when Taehyung left to fresh up. Jimin fed me and they left very after that.

I was watching Netflix on the couch of living room when Taehyung plopped himself beside me. I sniffed his smell and he grinned.

Oh he knows what he is doing. He was shirtless only with his black shorts and abs on display. I felt hot all over and my core already wet.

He smirked and I raised my eyebrow. Oh if that's how you'll play you'll see the real player.

Searching in my to watch list I found what I had saved a long ago. It's some random 21+ short movie. Something around an hour or two.

His smirked dropped. It's my time to smirk.

I kept a pillow on my lap and hit play. He knows he can't fuck me and thats what makes him nervous. The brothers made a pact that nobody would do it with me. It's safe for the baby.

Ab hour passes. Movie seems to be great all along. Not even a kissing scene appeared yet. It's something about a new professor avoiding the very flirty female lead.

It's cute all along until. The professor pins his student and kisses her. Their lips moulding into each other's. They literally are doing their best job in their field. A trail of saliva glistens at the corned of their mouth until their tongues involve.

The male lead pulls the girl into his car and keeps his hand on her thigh and driving her to his home. I know what's coming and I am enjoying it. I looked at Taehyung and he is starting at the T.V with hooded gaze.

The guy threw the girl over his shoulder and then on the bed. He dropped between her legs and kissed her neck while she moaned the guy's name.

I looked at Taehyung and his boner on show already. He placed the cushion on his lap and gulped.

The girl flipped over and kissed the guys abs while he fists her hair and moans her name. The sloppy licks were highlighting the hickeys she was giving.

Taehyung abruptly stood up and left. I laughed in the silence and followed him.

He was already in his bathroom when I heard. "Oh fuck Y/N you feel so damn good. Chock on my dick you little fuck." My eyes widened. Oh how bad sex deprived these three must be.

I chuckled when the door opened. He looked dead in my eyes. "Enjoying me suffer??"

I gulped .

....................... Infinity.......................

Infinity (𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽) 21+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora