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Touya had no idea what was going on. Feathers pushed him from the edge; feathers had cut his ropes; feathers had hoisted him into the air and took him to a house at the base of a mountain miles away. Considering the fact that he was attempting suicide prior to, he didn't bother fighting. What was the worst that could happen? Death? Touya almost laughed at the thought.

When he arrived, the feathers placed him gently down before the massive door. His feet were bare, rough and cut up, so Touya was grateful for the smooth stone floor. He shifted awkwardly in place as the feathers flew away, dipping through the small open window. Touya found it odd that the house had no wooden shutters to keep out the hot sun, but then he noticed the tall hazelnut trees shading the courtyard and such.

He wanted nothing more but to go inside and sleep– it had been a long while since he was able to do that– but he hesitated. Was this house of the serpent-man that he was being married off to? Was he dangerous? Touya didn't like to fight unless he was provoked. Or if he was upset, though that was a trait he acquired from his father.

His curiosity was his and his alone. He stepped forth toward the door, gently flattening his palm against it. Slowly, it creaked open, giving him enough space to slip in.

Despite the soft glowing light from the few candles, the house was entirely dark. Touya couldn't even see his own hands. It must've been some sort of magic. Erbus, perhaps?

"Hello?" Touya called throughout the house. "Any ugly serpent men in here?"

"I'm afraid not," answered a voice in a soft chuckle. "It's just you and me, as far as I'm aware."

Touya paused. He couldn't even tell which direction the voice was coming from. He reached his hands out, stepping forward. Was he was looking for a weapon or a way out, he wasn't sure, but either would work in this case. He hated the idea of not being able to see who he was talking to.

When his hands met a surface, Touya almost jumped with fear. It was skin, soft and warm. Shoulders, perhaps. Without thinking, Touya ran his hands down the mysterious arms, eyes widening in the darkness. He moved a bit more, feeling a feather, and the person jumped back immediately.

"I didn't take you for the touchy type," the stranger laughed, though they sounded a bit nervous. "Slow down, would you, hot stuff? We can't get handsy before introductions."

Touya, too, recoiled. "Who are you, damn pervert?"

"Name calling is rude," Keigo whined. "I'm your new husband, of course!"

"Funny," Touya scoffed. "Y'know what else is rude? Kidnapping."

"My apologies," Keigo teased. "Would you rather I let you kill yourself?"

Touya stayed quiet for a while, biting the inside of his cheek. Guilt swirled in his stomach as he realized what he would've done had this man not saved him.

"Whatever," he said, choosing his words carefully. He decided to skirt around it entirely. "Answer me, would you? Who are you?"

"I'm afraid that's the one question I can't answer," Keigo said. "But for convenience purposes, you can call me K."

"Oh, how sweet," Touya sneered sarcastically.

"I try," Keigo joked. "Come, let's go to the bedroom. I'd like you to be comfortable while you ask the rest of those questions in that pretty head of yours."

Touya sucked his teeth, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're quite annoying, K."

"Why thank you," Keigo beamed, gently taking Touya's hand in his own. "This way, Love."

Touya followed, though he wasn't quite sure why. He hated people and romance and mystery and cheesy pet names. He hated being unaware, in the dark, and with strangers, especially ones that were much too nice. K had managed to encompass all of those in their very first interaction.

Still, Touya followed. He couldn't stop himself. The hand guiding him was so comforting, and the air in the house was so sweet, and this mysterious man was so enchanting. Again, his curiosity got the best of him.

"Here's the bedroom," Keigo said softly. "Feel free to make yourself at home on the bed. I'll be a good distance away, so as to not make you uncomfortable."

"Don't act so noble," Touya grumbled, plopping down on the bed. "Again, you seem to be forgetting I'm here against my will."

Keigo hummed. "Well, that's true. But again, I'd rather you alive with me than dead with Hades." He purposely made sure to call Hades by his divine name rather than his real name; it was better Touya didn't know that Hades was Keigo's mother's uncle.

Touya nodded, shifting quietly. He didn't like the guilt still brewing within him.

"Ask me something, Love," Keigo blurted, desperate to fill the silence.

"Why?" Touya replied, genuinely baffled.

Keigo pouted. "I'd like to get to know my husband, if you don't mind."

Touya rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll entertain you. But just know this is all ridiculous."

"Oh, of course," Keigo laughed. "Everything I do is fucking ridiculous. It's the best way to live."

Touya snickered at that, and Keigo felt pride blossom in his chest. "Tell me, K," Touya began, "Why did you pick me to be your lover?"

"You're the most beautiful being to ever walk the Earth, Touya." Keigo answered simply. "Must I have any more reason than that?"

"I know that, asshole," Touya sneered, his face flushing with embarrassment. "But you're a man. Why not a dainty little maiden for you to use at your disposal?"

Keigo hummed, his wings fluttering a bit as he thought. "It's a good question. Perhaps it's because I need a two-way relationship. While I love 'using' others for pleasure, I also like to be used."

Touya nearly choked on his own lungs. "Ex-excuse me?"

Keigo laughed, feathers spinning around him and fluttering to the ground absent-mindedly. Touya tried to ignore how the man's laugh made butterflies erupt in his stomach. "You may interpret that how you please," Keigo said.

Touya scoffed, thankful that the darkness hid his blush. "You're quite the pervert."

"Only if you'd like me to be," Keigo teased. "You're my husband after all."

"I'd rather go back and jump off the crag, thank you."

"You don't mean that," Keigo chuckled, hiding the twinge in his heart upon hearing those words. "You're pulling my wing."

Touya shrugged, a wild grin on his face. "Maybe. Well, that brings me to my next question. You have wings? How? Was it some gift from the Gods?"

Keigo paused, carefully calculating his response. "I don't want to reveal too much about myself," he said, "but yes, I do have wings."

Touya hummed, a bit cynically. "Since you're so closed off, there isn't much I can ask."

"Well, I guess it's my turn then," Keigo cheered. "What is your favorite meal? Drink? Color? Game? What was your village like? Do you have siblings? Did Why–"

"My, you're obnoxious," Touya snorted. "Slow down, would you?"

"Apologies," Keigo chuckled. "I get excited. Let's start with your favorite meal, Love."

Touya flinched a bit at the nickname. He couldn't get used to it. "I'm not too picky when it comes to meals. As long as it's decent, I'll be alright."

"Oh, that's no fun," Keigo sang, messing up Touya's hair and laughing as the mortal swatted him away. "You must have a favorite! How about a drink? What do you prefer?"

"My sister's cooking has always been the meals I enjoyed the most," Touya said a bit too awkwardly. "But I guess my favorite is her strange nectarine-lemon juice concoction. When she adds honey, specifically."

"I didn't take you for a man with a sweet tooth," Keigo teased. Touya brushed him off, much less abrasive than before, and the two rolled into more conversation. They talked for hours, drowning in the unfamiliar comfort they found in one another, while Helios dragged the sun across the sky.

Cupid and Psyche (Greek Mythology) - DabiHawksWhere stories live. Discover now