Part 19: A Flashy Entrance

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There was always a certain stillness in the air that left the beast breather feeling restless. His mission was completed, he stopped the senseless slaughter of the small fishing village while also ensuring the safety of a small child. His fight against the flute demon proved to be more of a chore with how little challenge he proved to be.

"After seeing that demon Mr. Flames fought, everything seems so fucking pitiful.."
resting after a full night of traveling, struggling to keep Rojin alive, and returning to his beloved was no small feat. However to Inosuke's mind, he was still leagues below where he needs to be to bring justice to Akaza for what he did to Rengoku.

He turns over in her bed with the words of Shinobu echoing out in his mind. "Now now Inosuke-San. You have been ordered bed rest for a couple of days. And don't you think about sneaking away to train by yourself." As the head of the butterfly estate closed her eyes with a warm inviting smile, she lowers her face to be right in front of the boar. Despite her friendly posture. She brings out a syringe full of a mysterious yellow liquid, pushing the end just a tad to drip some of the sedative out of the bevel. "I'd like you to rest on your own with no.... assistance."

What she was saying and her body language were two different entities. Cocking her head to the side while bringing her hands up to her face with a smile while issuing a terrifying threat to Inosuke to make sure he would not strain his recovery. The threatening intent was heard loud and clear as Inosuke snapped back to the present by shaking his head side to side. "Damn that small women!! So creepy!"

Apart from his own thoughts, the room was filled with silence. The occasional breeze blowing the curtains back and forth while the sunlight danced through the window bringing forth the chirping of birds. He rotates his head to the side. looking over to the beds next to him almost expecting to see the red hair of Tanjiro, to hear the whines and complains of Zenitsu as the three rested together. "I guess they are still on their mission.." He lets out a sigh while sitting up a little but not getting completely out of the bed.

It wasn't long until he heard the scuffling of feet just outside his door for him to dart his head over to view who entered the room. Like a breath of much needed fresh air after sitting in a stifling room for ages, Aoi appeared with a radiant smile on her face. Overhearing his reaction to seeing empty beds, "Sounds like you miss them."

The boar furrows his eye brows down with bulging eyes. "What?? No I don't! Like hell I'd care if they were here or not!" He turns his head away while sulking down in the bed with his arms crossed. He wanted to continue to pout to avoid talking about his friends more, but when the inviting fragrance of Aoi's cooking entered his nostrils cause him to forget about what he was just saying. "Is.. is that beef cutlets in udon noodles???"

As he went to grab for a plate, Aoi quickly swerved her hands away causing Inosuke to swat at the air. "THIS! Is for non liars." With a coy smile she turns her body slightly away to pretend to start heading out the room only to be stopped by her lovers voice. "Fine! Fine! You win. I wouldn't hate it if those two were around."

Aoi put down the plate of food at a nearby table to playfully put a hand to cuff her ear while leaning forward. "I'm sorry. Did I hear the so called 'Lord Inosuke' openly admit defeat??"

She places one hand on her chest to continue her boasting, turning away slightly to put on a proud face with eyes closed. "That I have bested you and won??"

While she had her eyes closed, Inosuke got low to the floor to move quickly but quietly toward his 'prey'. Just as she opens her eyes with a playful smile, she was met with a vacant bed where her boy was. "Inosuke?? Where did you go-"

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