Part 12: Mugen Departure

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"I love you Inosuke."

The words were turned inside and out as the echoes linger in the young boy's head. He knew he felt something for Aoi. Something special, something he had never felt for anyone or anything. He could tell that what he felt was reflective to what Aoi had for him but there were still so many questions. "What the hell does 'Love' mean?? Damn Monjiro said something about it awhile ago didn't he?? ARGH I can't remember!"

Thoughts would occupy his mind for what felt like endless hours that night while Aoi almost instantly fell asleep when Inosuke pulled her close in a warming embrace. She must have thought she was dreaming when the confession of her love for the boar left her mouth. Her breathing was somehow relaxing to Inosuke. Watching her sleep calmed his mind when strands of her hair fell in front of her face. The beast breather could not help but doing what he has now grown to enjoy doing, tucking it behind her ear. At first he would do that to make sure Aoi could see but now he does it to get a better view of her perfect face.

Aoi started to shift in her sleep when she turned over to her side to be face to face with Inosuke, only a few inches separated them apart. Feeling arms wrapped around her, she instinctively did the same, enveloping arms around her boy to pull closer, placing her cheek to his chest and her hand right below his shoulder.

With his keen sense of touch, the feeling of her breath on him, her skin touching his put him in a state of perfect euphoria. His thoughts started to wain and quiet down as he to drifted off to sleep with Aoi's body perfectly fitting right beside him.

The light from the sun blessed the room with a vigorous glow with the sound of birds chirping just outside where a tree hung above the hot springs. Aoi was the first to start to wake. Her eyes slowly rose to see just how close she was to Inosuke. Her mind raced back to her last thoughts of the evening. Remembering the chill in the air was abruptly brought to a warming sensation when she remembered Inosuke had brought her in his arms to clasp onto.

"Did.. Did he do that to keep me warm? Or because..." She let out an audible gasp when her mind circled back to four words she uttered to him. "I love you Inosuke"

She felt her face get unimaginably hot thinking to whispering those words. "No no that had to be a dream right? I HAD to be dreaming." She tried her best to remember if Inosuke said anything back to her but her mind was drawing a blank. "Damnit! Maybe he was asleep to or maybe he doesn't remember! God knows how terrible his memory is..."

Her breathing quicken while her face still ran hot. The sudden changes woke Inosuke from his slumber. The very first thing he saw was Aoi still clenching on to his chest but could feel something was off about her. "What the hell is wrong with her? She feels nervous.. Just like when..." He remembers a few months ago when he showed Aoi his face for the first time. This feeling she had was very similar to that one. "Is it because she said that 'Love' word?"

With the two being awake, Inosuke started to sit up to lean his back against the wall. Aoi shifted a little but continued to lay her head on him still trying to decide if she declared her love for the boy to hear or if she was just imagining things. Shifting his body caused Aoi's hair to crash in her face once more. He grabbed the bits covered her eyes carefully to pin them back.

"Oh.. Thanks.." Aoi spoke in an uneasy tone. She moved her arm away from him to try to get up from the bed. Her feet swung to touch the floor with her back to Inosuke. She reached her arms up to let out a long stretch while letting off a short yawn. She couldn't help but think to herself the bed was probably the most comfortable she had ever slept on. Maybe the best rest she had ever gotten in her life.

Inosuke could not help but watch his butterfly, being absolutely entranced by her simple movements. Thinking she just had to be an angel sent from the heavens to grace him with her presence.

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