Part 3: Training

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Inosuke lowered his center of gravity with one foot in front of the other. He was mentally preparing how Aoi would try to avoid him along with what what techniques of his Beast Breath he could use to catch her by surprise. "Oi, Pig Tails. What do I need to do to win?"

Aoi was a little flustered at the nickname, turning her body to hide her face. She didn't see that Kanao was staring at her with her usual smile plastered on her face watching her blush. Aoi gathered her composer to turn to look back at Inosuke. "Rules are simple. I'll be running away from you. You just have to catch me."

Inosuke got up from his stance. "That's it? Well what do I get if I win?"

Aoi scowled, putting her hands on her hips to let off a frustrating scoff. "It's training. You get what you put into it."

Inosuke feeling perplexed by Aoi's statement starts to tap his index finger on his head trying to interpret what she meant by that. "I get what I put into it? What the hell does that even mean?"

Aoi sees his poor puzzled look and feels slightly bad for confusing him. She put a hand to her chin while tilting her head to think of a way to please the simple minded beast. "How about you win I'll make you an extra portion for dinner."

Inosuke heard her words loud and clear getting back into his offensive stance. He lets out a satisfied grunt before letting off a breath through the boar's head. "Ready when you are little butterfly."

The new nickname turns Aoi's cheeks a slight pink again and her eyes widen. Normally people would call her bossy, stuck up, or say she is frustrating to deal with. "What is with this boy? Why can't I stop feeling this way every time he speaks to me?... " 

Aoi brings her hands up to slap her face slightly to focus on the training. "Stop blushing Aoi, focus!" She tried her best to stop thinking about how Inosuke was calling her cute nicknames, but deep inside her mind she felt the craving to hear them again.

She shook her head from side to side trying to regain her focus on the training. Her spark of determination returned to her eyes and looked over to Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho. The three girls all raised their arms in unison and brought them down while shouting "BEGIN!"

Inosuke took off in a blink of an eye with a small cloud of dust left on the dojo floor where he pushed off from his heels. He already started to feel his strength returning to him.

Aoi's eye widen, "So-. So fast.." she quickly dodged to the left to avoid the clutches of the Beast Breather. She was not expected Inosuke to be as agile as he was. She witnessed him turn on a dime while going full speed by planting his hands on the floor of the dojo to alter his direction by pushing off his palms.

Aoi took a deep breath to send more oxygen and blood to her legs to quicken her pace. She darted to the walls of the dojo placing a foot on the wood structure to launch herself backwards to avoid being caught by the wild boar.

Inosuke saw her agility and responded with his own. Before reaching the wall he stretched out his arms to stick his palms to the wall. Then he flipped his legs over his head so that his heels were on the wall to push himself off, generating an astounding amount of momentum.

Aoi turned her head to see the acrobatic stunt he pulled off, mentally cursing at how quick he was gaining on her. "His movements are so wild and unpredictable.. I can't react quick enough!"

There was one thing Aoi would always have the advantage over her opponent. Her cleverness. Aoi main strength was her wit and quick thinking. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tanjiro attempting to catch Kanao. She planted her feet 90 degrees to the right to change directions to run the opposite way Kanao was running.

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