Part 5: Realization

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Inosuke didn't even notice that Aoi has left the room. His primary focus was on the food in front of him. Not that anyone was surprise by that fact. Tanjiro and Zenitsu look at the young boar with shock in their eyes with what he has said to Aoi.

Tanjiro nervously scratched his cheek with his finger trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into words that Inosuke would understand. "Uhh Inosuke."

An annoyed grunt came from the feasting animal. With his mouth full, he didn't say any words, just looked at his friend from the corner of his eye.

"Do... do you know what you just said to Aoi-San?"

Gulping down a mouthful of food he fully turns his head to look at Tanjiro. "Haah? What do you mean???"

Zenitsu joins in to attempt to assist. Only in a less kind approach. "You said you want to spend forever with Aoi-San dummy! Do you have any idea what that even means???"

Inosuke frowns, not understanding what the two were getting worked up over. "So?? Why does that even matter?!? If she cooks like this, why wouldn't I want to stay with her???" He turns back around to return to his meal while uttering under his breath. "You're the stupid one"

Zenitsu aggressively pointed his finger at the boar. "I HEARD THAT!! WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU!"

Inosuke's grew an angry vein out of the side of his head. "Like I care! I didn't ask you for anything blondie! Why don't you just mind your own damn business and leave me alone!!"

A few moments of silence pass before something caught Tanjiro's attention.
He sniffed out what Inosuke was feeling.
"Inosuke. Do you feel... happy?"

Inosuke was thrown back from his question. "Wha??? What are you on about Monjiro???"

Tanjiro smirked slightly while looking into the eyes of his friend. "It's an emotion people feel when they have a warmth inside them. Like when Aoi-San came to see us just now. Did you want to see her? Were you happy?"

Inosuke folded his arms across his broad chest while closing his eyes to focus on what he felt. "Hmmm she did bring me a lot of food..."

Zenitsu lets out a sigh. "You are hopeless."

Hearing the insult Inosuke jumps on top of his bed to point at the blonde. "You want to run that by me again???"

Zenitsu raised his voice while his eyes went white to show his annoyance. "I SAID YOU ARE HOPELESS!!"

Tanjiro snapped his head to look at Zenitsu to address his sudden outburst. "Zenitsu! That's not helping!!!"

Inosuke eyes go back from looking at Zenitsu to Tanjiro. He scoffs before responding. "That what you think so to ehh Santoro???" He slumps down to sit on the bed while his arms are still folded. "All of this is stupid. "

Tanjiro held his hands up to his face. "No no no, I don't think you are hopeless. Being around humans is just new to you Inosuke."
He snaps his glare to Zenitsu while still speaking to the beast breather. "We are trying to HELP you."

With a frustrated groan, not wanting to talk about the subject anymore, Inosuke throws his head in his pillow. "We are demon slayers. The only thing that matters is we get stronger to kill demons. Everything else isn't worth thinking about."

Tanjiro slowly turns his gaze back to his confused friend. Trying to appeal to his humanity, He asks him a simple question to stir whatever the young boar was feeling. "Inosuke. Do you Like Aoi-San? Like as a person?"

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