Christmas Special: A Song For You

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**This one was a joy to write!! Happy Holidays everyone! I will be heading back to the regular story and try my best to post once a week! I appreciate all the votes, reading list adds, and comments! You are all the best!!


Four young adults in their first year of college sit in their lead singer's dorm room, scattered around sitting on the bed, desk, and a beanbag chair trying to come up with a solution to a problem they should have answered when they formed their band a few years ago.

The blonde sitting on the bed with the red haired bass player chirps up. "What about 'Thunderclap and Flash'???"

Sitting across from him at the desk was the very tall, muscular built drummer of the band with a distinct scar across his face. He shakes his head at the blonde's suggestion " I don't know Zen.. people might think we do EDM or Dubstep with that name." Genya takes a few moments to ponder with his hand below his chin. "What about something badass like 'Demon Eater' or 'Demon's Heart'???"

The lead vocalist, Inosuke rose his fist to his bandmate, liking the idea. "Hell yeah that sounds badass!! Or what about like Breath of the Beast?? Or Explosive Rush???"

Zenitsu was quick to shut the idea down with the same logic Genya had. "What??? No! Those are like heavy metal names. We don't heavy rock or metalcore! We need something that fits our style."

The bass player Tanjiro wanted to chip in to help. "Well what about something like 'Children of the Sun'?"

Genya shook his head while Inosuke scoffed to the side. "What are we, a cult???"
Zenitsu crashes his body onto the bed and threw his hands to cover his eyes in frustration. "Why is picking a name for our band so hard?? I mean we've been playing together for years."

Genya shrugged his shoulders towards Zenitsu's vexation. "Yeah, but that's always been back home for friends and family, we never really preformed at any venue that wanted a name for us."

The red haired boy leant back slightly on the bed with the backs of his elbows beside the lead guitarist Zenitsu. "Yeah I guess you're right. Only people to ever hear us have been the girls.. and they are sorta obligated to be our fans. There's no telling how people will react to our sound once we hit the stage for Battle of the Bands this Saturday.."

The dorm room fell silent for a few moments. All four boys Genya, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke thought back to a few years ago when all the band members were entering their freshmen year of high school, wanting nothing more than to stand out to make a name of themselves. Tanjiro and Inosuke have been friends for what felt like forever, back when the two were still toddlers. Zenitsu joined the close knit group little closer to their 7th year of schooling when the blonde was assigned to be a group member for a project. Ever since then It was almost impossible to associate Inosuke and Tanjiro without Zenitsu being close by.

Half of it was the blonde really enjoying the company of the two, the other half was Tanjiro's sister Nezuko. From the moment the blonde laid his eyes on the girl with pink eyes, he pledge his life to her. As much as Tanjiro tried to keep Nezuko away from his blonde friend, somehow the two still made a connection. As the the entire group grew older, the Kamado second oldest developed strong unbreakable feelings towards Zenitsu who in returned felt the same.

Romance was not lost on the eldest Kamado during his adolescent years. Tanjiro was assigned to be the guide of Kanao, a transferring student from another school. With all the time they spent with each other, feelings were bound to develop. With being so new, making friends was a near impossible task for the introverted Kanao. It seemed the only people that would want to reach out to the young girl was Tanjiro and Kanao's lab partner, Aoi.

Inosuke X Aoi. Forming BondsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ