Alternate Universe Special: Halloween's Treats

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Greetings my Readers! So happy to hear people are enjoying the story. Had this idea of a little Halloween one-shot with all the usual character in an AU setting few months ago. Wanted to work on this a little before returning to the regular story.

This one is going to be a little longer than the usual parts but hopefully its a fun read and has little line breaks in between scene changes if you wanna come back to it! Thanks again!!! - Tyler

The air had turn crisp and got harder to breath as Inosuke trekked his path to his job to the Kamado Bakery. It was not his choice to be forced into a position to take on a job that supplied money under the table for him to continue living under his own roof. He became decent enough friends with the landlord, Kagaya Ubuyashiki to not raise any questions to why the young teen was living by himself with no parental supervision. The other tenants that would spot the young man leaving by himself to work or school each day always would spark the the typical question "Where are your parents?"

Inosuke grew tired of making up excuses after while, simply shorten his response to "They're dead".

The gloomy retort never surfaced any further questions about Inosuke's home life. Everyone that had ever heard that answer would never follow up with another query about anything. Although his best friends Tanjiro Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma knew the entire truth of the wild one's well being, but were instructed by the lonesome survivor to never elaborate on the subject to why adults seem to be nonexistent in Inosuke life. The burgundy teen pleaded with his life that Inosuke should abandon his way of thinking of living solely independently away from anyone. The child of the sun's home was not perfect, but it was far better than living alone. For a short time, Inosuke did find himself a home with the Kamados, but never truly felt like a part of the family. No fault on Kie and Tanjuro's part. It was mainly the idea that Inosuke wanted to earn everything in his life with his own two hands. 

It wasn't his plan being left all alone. His parents died in a tragic accident when the young boy was 6, leaving Inosuke to be bounced around in foster homes. Sometimes having a different home every few months. It wasn't until the Kamados knew the situation Inosuke had to face and put in for an application to taken in a foster child lost in the world. To be the legal guardians of the boy searching for his own path. Living with the Kamados for a few years was the first time in Inosuke's life that he had known the gentle words and kindness of any foster parent.

Kie and Tanjuro took in the child hoping their guidance could help the young boy to shape a future worth living. While under their care, Inosuke did develop some sort of friendship with the oldest child, Tanjiro which would led into a brotherhood he would share with the red haired boy. But he could not relate to his newly found friend's personal experience of having a mother and father's love and truly want the best for their children. Which started many arguments and sometimes some physically altercations. But the two became almost inseparable after about a year living together.

A few years before taking in Inosuke, Tanjiro's father had taken his family from the country side to the city to achieve his and Kie's dream of opening a bakery. Unfortunately, the cost of the move, purchasing a large enough building and supplies led to the two not being able to hire any workers. The Kamado family was not short on children to pick up the slack where it was needed. Tanjiro was the oldest at 12 years old, very close to 13 at the time and his sister was only 1 year behind him at 11 years old were eager to help. The family always knew the strength in the bonds of family and always would lend help where it was needed when the bakery was first being launched.

The Kamado family was far from rich but put anything extra they could spare into raising the Hashibiria rebel who joined the family at the age of 13. Inosuke felt the need to work at the bakery to help out his foster parents for taking him in. At first the work wasn't to bad but after a few years when the boys turned 16, things started to change for Inosuke. 

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