Part 13: Butterfly's Confessions / Rengoku's Never Ending Fire

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**Hello everyone!! This chapter might be a little different to help keep the flow of how events unfold in the mange/anime. One half will be focusing one Aoi and Kanao building their friendship while the other half is with the trio and the homie Kyojuro on the Mugen train. Hopefully it is a fun read with a little bit of everyone's favorite Ship Inosuke X Aoi energy sprinkled in the story even when they are apart. Thank you again for all the love and support again! Special shoutout to users: Gay_jellly_Ghost, Jessy0622 and Tyler141414908 for all the love on the recent chapters since I came back to write more. Peeps like you made me want to come back after taking a yearlong break. Love ya all!!! 


Aoi was left to watch the boy that just kissed her turn to depart on a mission accompanied by his two fellow Mizunotos slayers. The perfect hearing of the thunder breather was able to capture every word from both Tanjiro and Inosuke perfectly from their encounters with the two butterfly girls. His playful and teasing ways left him no choice but to poke fun at both of his friends. Sliding over to Inosuke with both his palms pushing his cheeks together to make a kissing face. "OoOoo I love you tooooo Aoi-chan!!!" He then proceeds to zip to Tanjiro's side while placing his hands over his heart. Talking in a dramatic tone. "Kanao-Chan. I would have kept flipping the coin.. until.. it came up heads!"

Both slayers raise their fist to collide with the blonde at the back of his head at the same time to silence him, both shouted out for him to stop talking.

Aoi brought a hand to her face to hide her overwhelming blush but to no avail. Her giddy smile and bright pink cheeks could be seen by all. The moment was interrupted when she felt the top of her shoulder being touched. She spun around to see her master with her usual smile only this one didn't look so empty like usual with her hand on the shoulder of her apprentice. "Ara Ara.. looks like both of my students are smitten by a couple of boys." Clasping both hands to bring to her cheek with her eyes closed feeling overjoyed at both Kanao and Aoi. "Didn't I tell you?? You just needed to quiet your mind to listen to your heart."

Aoi eyes peered to the ground to fully understand what her teacher was instructing about more than just medicine when she perked up to query at her statement. "What.. both of your students? So Kanao.." Trailing off thinking what could have happened between Kanao and Tanjiro just before he left for a mission. 

Shinobu turned to finish her duties before heading out for another mission. "She has been watching you for quite awhile now. We both have. Seeing your heart blossom for Hashibiria-kun. Perhaps that's what sparked something in her heart as well. Maybe you owe her a conversation to share what you both found?"

Before she left the teen alone, she heard Aoi's voice call out for her attention. "Is that also why Tomioka-San was here sensei?"

She visibly saw the small woman shrill up in shock at the question, turning her head slowly to wave her hand in front of her face to dismiss the comment. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about!" She pauses slightly to think of something to ward off any suspicions to why the water Hashira would wonder down to the butterfly estate. "He probably just wanted to check on young Kamado before he left!!" Laughing nervously before making a quick exit to her office. She couldn't help but think just how similar the blue butterfly was to her when Young Kocho was her age.  "Aoi sure has grown up, still little to smart for her own good."

Aoi wondered back to where Kanao was, still clutching the coin Tanjiro flipped, lost in millions of thoughts. Aoi always thought of Kanao as a close friend even with how quiet and reclusive she is. But just as thing changes for Aoi, things were changing for Kanao as well with the introduction of Tanjiro in her life. The lavender eyed girl was seen sitting on the back porch which led to Aoi taking a seat next to her. She spent the next 30 seconds or so trying to rehearse what she would say to the quiet girl.

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