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I woke to the light shining through the room. I felt a weight across my stomach. As I turned, I saw Ryker laying there sleeping so peaceful. The memories from the night before rushing through my mind, causing a smile to appear on my face. I traced his arm, across the outlines of his tattooed skin, admiring the artwork. "That represents the tribes of our ancestors. I wear them in remembrance and my love for my tribe."

I heard his deep husky voice, almost made me jump. His eyes were still closed as he explained his tribal tattoo to me. I glanced at his handsome face and then down to his neck where my mark lay. I felt pride looking at this Alpha bare my mark. "You know for a young woman; you sure wake up early." I giggled at his remarks as I then tried to get out of bed. He pulled me back and rolled on top of me. "Careful angel, my wolf and I love a chase." I kissed him on the cheek and ran to the bathroom to shower.

As the hot water ran down my skin, I felt his presence in the bathroom. He joined me in the shower, "No funny business, Alpha. We have to get back to your house before they send a search and rescue party for me." he laughed, and we both showered together.

We got dressed and walked back to his house together, hand in hand. "No matter what may come Talia, we will take it on together." His words sank into my heart making me feel like nothing could get in our way. "I know Ryker." I said back to him as we entered his home.

"Tali, Daddy, you are back. Where have you been, it is breakfast time Mami, and uncles are waiting." I hugged the beautiful young girl in front of me. "Let us not keep them waiting." Ryker the picked-up Aolani and we went to join the others for breakfast.

"Zander and I did not think we would see either of you until maybe tomorrow." Zeke said wiggling his eyebrows causing me to turn red. I knew when we marked each other they felt the bond come into place for their new Luna. "I will still smack you Zeke, you might not want to do that." He stared at me wondering if I would follow through and decided not to tempt fate. Kassie gave me a big smile and a hug, "you have always been like a daughter to me." I never wanted to let this moment go, they may not be my birth family, but they are the family I needed.

"Tali, I would like you to join training today." I heard Ryker say as I was eating breakfast. "Okay." was all I could say in that moment. Yes, I got along with a lot of the pack but there were some who were not keen to me. "Tali, if you are training with daddy who is going to help me with schoolwork?" Before I could answer her Ryker intervened. "Mami said she would help you today. Do not worry sweetheart, we will be back in a few hours." She hugged us both and then went toward her room as I then cleaned up the kitchen before training.

"You are nervous Tali, why?" I did not want to say oh because there are a slight few of your pack that hate my guts, "It has been a long time since I trained." He smiled before speaking, "You got this Talia, trust your instincts." He hugged me and then walked outside probably to the training field.

I quickly joined him on the training field where everyone was lined up waiting for orders. "Good morning, everyone." His voice was firm and strong. "Good morning, Alpha." They all said in unison. "Today we have a new member joining our training session today. Talia, go ahead and join the others." I could feel their eyes on me at least the two I knew that hated me. "Today we will be teaming up, I want to see your weaknesses and strengths so we know what we need to be working on." The twins then went to the sides of us to watch as Ryker stayed in the front. The twins then shouted who would be partners. "Lou with David, Lacey with Jennifer, Candy with Tali." When I heard her name I internally cringed.

Once everyone was paired together, we were to begin. "Remember stay in human form until I tell you to shift." Rykers voice rung through the crowd. Candy began circling me whispering low enough that only I could hear her. "You are nothing but a useless mutt. Why the hell would they let a rogue in this pack, especially one like you." She then threw a punch while I was distracted by my thoughts and connected with my cheek. The punch was hard and knocked me back a few steps. Before regaining my composure, she kicked me, landing her foot on my cheek. Knocking me a few feet on my back. Everyone stopped and Ryker growled.

I knew he would come running to my rescue andI did not want that. I threw my hand up to stop him. "Oh, how sweet. She isgoing to get saved by her big bad mate. I hope that little girl does not turnout like you because you are nothing but a pathetic, scared, little bitch. I donot know where all the confidence was coming from, but I was feeling loads ofit. I could feel my wolf stirring within in me wanting control of my body, so Iallowed it for her to take over. 

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