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 Aolani and Ryker where in my room almost all day every day and I felt cared about. I then felt like I was being called to from the distance in the darkness. As I felt like I was moving I once again tried to open my eyes and without issue they opened. I was not in a hospital. I was deep in the forest, wind howling thorough the trees. Fear hit me deep in my stomach. It was dark and up ahead of me was a small dark cottage with lights on. I wanted to turn and run in the other direction, but just like in the hospital bed, I felt like something was calling me to inside that cabin.

I slowly walked to the cottage making sure to check my surroundings, I do not know how I got here or what is happening. Least to say trusting anything right now is a no go for me. I took a long deep breath as I opened the cottage door and entering through. There standing in front of me was a woman with her back towards me. She had on a flowing long sleeve white gown, her hair was golden like honey, flowing down her back. 

"Hello Talia, I have been waiting for you." She turned and looked at me and I was in shock. "Sarah?' I questioned in shock. "Yes." She said as if it were a normal thing, but I could not resist, "But you are, so am I you know," "Dead". She interjected and I could only nod in response. "No, you are not dead. You have been brought here to limbo. One of the realms between life and afterlife. I have a lot to discuss with you." I was in confusion, shock, but I needed answers. "Why me? Why do you need to talk with me? I do not even know you." "There is a lot of things I will explain to you as it was explained to me when I died. Things you need to know for future circumstances." I was at a loss of words, so I was just going to listen then voice concerns at the end. I mean it is not like I can leave I am basically ghostly.

"A lot of what I am going to say is going to sound crazy, but it is all true just please listen. You know all about fate and destiny. Basically, reasons for everything and everything happens for a reason." I listened carefully, still wondering why me.

 "Let me start with a story. A long time ago there was a powerful Fae King. He assisted the wolves in their battle over the furies years ago. After this the king of wolves through a celebration in the honor of the Fae king. The werewolf king and Fae have not always had the friendliest of histories, but a common enemy brought them together. During this celebration the king of wolves attacked the Fae king. He did not like that someone else had more power than him. in the fight the Fae king won, and the wolf king had fallen dead. In usual traditions he should have become king of both Fae and Wolves. 

The king's prodigy was not having it and caused an uprising. Through many years of the old kingdom fighting and killing all the Fae they could, the Fae king found his mate. A young werewolf who was not part of a pack. She and her family were lone wolves. She fell head over heels for her mate the King. She fell pregnant and they settled down with their oldest daughter. When she had their second daughter they felt as if nothing could tear the happiness from them. Hope was all they had when a crazed man hungry for power tracked them down. In an effort to protect his family The king was killed. His mate took her daughters and ran because the only way for the man to become king of All Fae and Wolves was to now kill the only heirs to the throne, his two daughters.

She and her girls were on the run for months before she decided that she needed to make sure they were safe, no matter the cost. She asked for forgiveness from the goddess, and she dropped her daughters off to different packs and ran hoping they would follow her, and her children would be safe." She had tears welling in her eyes and I realized I did to. That is awful and I could not imagine her pain. "Talia, you are my sister, and we are the daughters of the Fae king." My jaw dropped and shocked was not even enough to cover it. I was stuttering and could not find the will to make words form. "Yes Talia, you are the next heir to the throne of Wolves and Fae." I had no words, I just sat with my head in my hands trying to process.

"Talia, I am so sorry we never got to meet but that is not the end. You see from that day a prophecy was born. One daughter a life of love, happiness, to be called home to assist in the battle of the other." I looked at her realizing that she was talking about herself. "One daughter of torment, pain, heartache, will find her one true mate and all will align. She shall fight to claim what belongs to her and bring together those who an evil has blinded." If the first was her then that must mean she is talking about me. "But I had a mate in my old pack and how is your mate, mine as well?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No Talia. He was not your mate. He used Fae magic to trick you. Ryker has always been your mate. Our destiny was completed once Aolani was born and we created her destiny and set it in motion. He was who you were always destined to be with." She kept explaining more and I was wheeling from it all, my mind was turning into jelly. "That is all I can share with you is the past, the rest is up to you and Ryker. Now I know it is all still settling but I have a favor to ask you." 

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