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The amount of terror I felt as I watched her body hit the ground is unexplainable. I looked around and there were three dead wolves and her. Mom explained what happened and I was in shock to say the least. I did not mean she was weak when I said that to her, I meant I could not worry about her safety and Aolani' and risk the lives of others because I was not focused. Zander and Zeke told me she never trained with them for understandable reasons, but no one will explain the reasons. All anyone says is it is not their story to tell, and it is up to her. The doctors say she is healing but slowly for our usual werewolf healing which concerned me more.

It has been three days and I still worry more and more, and the doctor said her wolf and her are both healing from the blood loss, but she could wake any day. Aolani spends all day and night here with her. She reads her bedtime stories and goes over her homework with her hoping she is here when she wakes.

She risked her life to save not only my daughter and mother, but the whole pack. "Daddy, is Talia okay, I miss her." Aolani asks as she brushes Talia's hair. "She will be honey. The doctors are going to make sure of it." I say as I sit there watching over both of them. The day seemed to pass by with no sign of her waking up. Aolani fell asleep across her legs, like she does for every night. My eyes begin to get heavy as I sat on the small recliner that was uncomfortable for my size. I did not want to fall asleep; I was fighting it. I wanted to be awake just in case. I was losing the fight as I could no longer hold my eyes open.

"Ryker. Ryker." I heard her faint whispers in the distance causing me to slowly to wake up. I jumped when I saw Talia running her fingers through Aolani's hair. "Talia, your awake." She shook her head no and I was confused. "No, Talia is still in the realm I brought her to. She is dealing with a lot of information I have given her." I stared at her trying to make sense of it all but then I seen the way she looked at Aolani, the brightness of her smile and light in her eyes and I knew, "Sarah." My words came out broken and she nodded. "Yes, Ryker it is me. There are some things I need to tell you. I cannot tell you all the things that is for Talia, but I need you to listen can you do that?" I just nodded still in shock that she was here with us right now.

"So, you mean, our destiny was only for Aolani to be born and Talia is my true mate." "Yes Ryker, she is, and she needs you more than you can know. I know me saying her past is for her to share is not what you want to hear but I cannot disclose her past those are her burdens." I sighed because I know Talia may never tell me and I wanted her to be comfortable enough to. "You are also sisters and are both the daughters of the fallen Fae king?" 

she nodded, "yes and she is the rightful heir to the throne Ryker." My mind was blown and now more than ever I was scared for Talia and my daughter, if she is the granddaughter of the Fae king, they might be after her as well, like the attack that landed Talia here in the first place. I brushed my thumb across her cheek, a tear falling from my eyes.

"Do not be sad Ryker. I am okay and I am so proud of the man and the father you have become. Aolani is perfect and I am glad she has you and Talia. I know leaving you was hard on you, but you have to let me go Ryker. I will always be with you; Aolani is part of me, and you have her. You know I love you and I know it is hard, but you cannot live your life in fear of replacing me. You have to move forward and let all the bad go; I promise you that it is what is for the best. Follow your heart Ryker, you know you care for Talia, and I know she cares for you both and that makes me happy. Just remember I will always be with you; I love you both." 

Then like that she was gone again. This time I was not sad, I was happy, she is right. I never pursued Talia because I felt like I was betraying Sarah. In a way, I felt like it would be replacing her, but it isn't replacing her. I loved Sarah but now she has a place in my heart, in memory. I need to make things right and be the mate that Talia deserves.

Heir of the FaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora