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I jolted awake when I heard both Zeke and Zander screaming our names. "Talia." "Aolani." I then heard their footsteps and Lani, and I jumped up and over Ryker, grabbing our cameras off the table ready for the photo shoot. They both came running and stopped dead in their tracks when they seen we were using Ryker as our bodyguard. 

We snapped our shots as they have sneers and pouts on their faces. "That is not fair, hiding behind our brother." Ryker was laughing as Zeke was complaining. "You two boys look like pretty little fairies." Ryker chuckled out. His laugh made my heart beat a little bit faster. Then it hit me I fell asleep with Lani on Ryker. Heat instantly went to my cheeks, and I tried to hide it but there was no use. "Come on you jokesters, dinner is ready." Lani and I jumped up being the first to exit to Kassie so the twins could not get their revenge. Also, so I could not sit by Ryker. The more time I spent near him the stronger the pull felt and the more drawn to him I became.

Dinner went over smoothly even though the twins could not get the glitter all the way out of their hair. Zander, Zeke, Aolani, and I were on the couch with popcorn watching Pocahontas and the twins were bellowing out to the song just around the river bend with Aolani. Ryker then came stomping down the stairs and I paused the movie.

 I had completely forgotten about the sticky glitter prank Lani, and I set up for him. He was drenched and he was eyeing me and Lani. Lani ran and grabbed her camera, and the twins lost it. "Oh, hell yeah, finally, this is amazing." Zeke was fist pumping the air. Zander tried to contain his laughter to be understood. "Dude, we may have been fairies, but you look you just got pooped out by a unicorn." That did it, I lost control of my laughter as he chased Aolani around the room trying to tickle her. She then jumped behind me, "Tali, help. Protect me, Tali." I covered her as if I were saving her from monsters. 

"Oh really, that is how we will play this." His voice was playful but low as he stared into my eyes and my heart began to race. "I will get my revenge girls. Count on it." He lowly whispered with an evil grin on his face, and it made my heart thump in excitement as he walked off to clean up the mess. Once he was gone, I let out a breath I did not realize I was holding. Lani then got up and ran to Zeke and Zander.

 "Uncles, I think Tali like daddy. Her heart was beating really fast. Me and my wolfie heard it." I just stared at the little girl as Zander and Zeke began wiggling their eyebrows and singing in unison. "Tali and Ryker sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g." "Boys watch it, I do not think you will like what happens to you if you continue that song." I stared my meanest look at them as they rose to their feet and Lani laughing. They then started making kissing faces like they were children and I faked them out pretending I was going to jump, and they took off. "Come on Lani, let us finish our movie before you go to bed." She came and curled up with me as our usual movie night.

'You filthy slut, who will ever want a weak wolf?' Punch straight to the mouth causing blood to fall from a busted lip. 'You will never escape me Talia, I own you.' He walked in circles around me. 'You will die by my hands, and I will enjoy every minute of it.' He shouted as he brought the whip down, breaking my skin yet again. Smack, crack, over and over the whip slashed my skin as I screamed in agony. 

"Talia. Talia, wake up." I heard someone shouting as they were shaking my body causing my eyes to shoot open. Through the fear I felt the sparks on my shoulder knowing Ryker is the one who woke me. "Are you okay?" I just tried to calm my breathing as I nodded, I was indeed okay. I kept looking around trying to make myself believe this was not another nightmare and something was going to jump out of me. 

I could not calm my breathing, it felt more real than any of the other nightmares ever have. "You will be okay; I will not let anything happen to you. I am right here with you." His voice was calm and assuring. Then he climbed in behind me slowly to not wake a sleeping Aolani that was mere inches from me. "Do not fight it. Just let me hold you for a moment."

 I heard his voice plead to me. I did not argue or fight him, I do not even think I have any strength to at this moment. The sparks tingled through me, and his warm body soothed my worries calming my heart back to a steady pace. I laid my head on his bicep as he scooted me closer to him as if he were indeed protecting anything from getting to me. I felt warm, safe, and protected, and quickly fell right back to sleep. 

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