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It has been two weeks since I woke up with a huge Ryker laying beside me. I remember sneaking out of there I do not think that I could handle that conversation and I knew he would ask me about my nightmares. Anytime he tries I avoid them and switch the conversation. I told Kassie I needed the day because of the usual and she understood and did not push the issue. I was coming back from a small run and decided to make me a snack and then go see Aolani, I did not want her sneaking over to my house again.

I opened the door and there was a loud pop, sounding like a huge balloon being popped. Different colored confetti, glitter, and gems came from everywhere covering my entire house. I turned and a flash of light caught me off guard when I saw Zeke and Zander at my door. "Turnabout is fair play." Zeke said as Zander kept snapping photos, both laughing. They were right but does not mean I can't scare them a bit. So stared at them both intently as I took of my coat not caring about the winter weather outside and I smiled as evil as I possibly could.

"Tali, calm down." "Zeke, I think we should run. Like now." They bolted out the door and I was on the chase. They ran straight to their house going towards the back. I was not fooled though, I ran to the front barreling in the front door, where a confused Ryker stood with Aolani as I held up my finger to my mouth for them to be quiet.

 I slipped off out of the line of sight into the living room as they came from the kitchen. "Help us please." "Yeah, do not let her in no matter what." They were nearly out of breath. So, this was perfect as I jumped out of the living room causing them to scream, turning to run and running straight into the wall. Ryker and Lani laughing and of course my girl ran and got her camera for pictures. "So, boys?" they rubbed their heads as they laid on the floor looking up at me. "My house will be clean when I return home this evening. Won't it boys?" they just nodded and I high five Lani in victory.

Then like that the alarm sounding, alarming us of intruders. "Boys, go get the others, Talia, take Lani to the safe house. My mother will be there." Ryker shouting orders. "I can help Ryker." I barked back. "No, you can't. I need you to take her to safe house. I do not have time to worry whether or not you are strong enough to handle yourself instead of protecting everyone." I stared at him as he yelled at me like I was a weakling, but I did not let any tears fall to his cruel words. "Yes, Alpha. As you wish Alpha." I turned grabbing Aolani in my arms as I heard Zander scoff at Ryker. "You just stuck your foot in your mouth if you had any idea. Good luck making that right."

I did not care at the time as I ran out the back, but two rogues cut off our path. "Girls, come on." I turned to see Kassie and several parents with their young looking for safety. The rogues had our path to the safe house blocked. "Kassie the shed go." We all ran to the shed that was built of metal, which was strong enough to keep them out. "Take her." I yelled at Kassie as they started getting in the shed and another rogue was stalking their way over. to us. "No, Talia, come one we need to protect them." "Kassie please, we do not have time to argue. Take her, protect her, do not come out until Ryker comes for you." "You talk as if you are going to die." I hugged her tight and Lani. "I love you both now go be strong for Mami. I will not let anyone get to you I swear." With that I shoved them in shutting the door hearing someone lock it from the inside.

I had three wolves stalking towards me, teeth showing, snarling, trying to intimidate me. Then a voice appeared, "We are just looking for someone, but the Alpha's daughter will make a good hostage negotiation plan. Now hand her over." I let out a warning growl showing I was not giving Aolani to them. "You are willing to die for the little girl?" I looked up into his eyes "Yes, I will die making sure none of you get your filthy paws on her." He laughed at me. "She will be ours and you are just delaying the inevitable." "You go any where near her and I swear I will rip you apart. "You leave her alone you big bullies." I snapped my head up to Aolani at the window up top shouting at the rogues. "This is wonderful, get the little girl boys."

One wolf took off running and leaped to reach her for it was only eight foot off the ground and he could reach. I quickly shifted and leapt as well catching him in mid air by his throat. My wolf shook his neck as we landed until the crunches sounded letting us know his neck was broken. The other two attacked. As I was clawing and biting at the one in front that was snapping at my neck, the other bit down on my left hind leg. I bit the snout of the other one and used my other leg to kick the other wolf off my back leg. He was quick getting back on the attack.

This time as the wolf in front bit down on my shoulder the other tried to go in for the kill. I managed to swing around causing him to sink his claws into his own partner. The wolf yelped out as he released me from his grip. The pain was radiating through me as I felt the blood flowing through my fur and I knew I was badly injured, but I still had one more and I could not let them get to Aolani who was looking out the window crying for me. I bit through the pain to stand back up and charge the wolf head on. I caught him by surprised as we tumbled on the ground.

The courage I felt in that moment to protect Aolani was fueling the energy in me. We clawed and scratched, each landing blows, blood just pouring from our bodies. I had to do something, I scuffed dirt into his eyes for the advantage and clawed him across his throat. His wolf made awful gargling noises as he fell to the earth, with the blood spewing from the wounds I laid there. My legs were getting shaky as I tried to walk to the shed. I saw Kassie and Aolani running towards me as my vision began to blur and I was losing my footing until my wolf hit the ground beneath us letting the darkness consume us this time not willingly.

Darkness surrounding me left me feeling cold, alone, and scared. My eyes were sealed shut and I could only hear everyone around me. Ryker freaking out and everyone telling him beating around the bush, that it is not the first time I have been in this condition, but it was up to me to tell. I heard him crying telling his mother that what he said is not what he meant. He meant that it was him who would have been weak if I would have joined him in battle but him yelling at me still hurt my feelings.

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