Dream sits next to me, and smiles. I try to smile back but I look stupid any time I try to without it being genuine. 

"Hi Nightmare!"

"Hello Dream."

"I wasn't aware that Error lives with you guys."

"Yeah, he kind of lives here, his antivoid is always his actual home but he does have a room here, so he's not here every day."

"Ah, sorry about Ink by the way... he forgets... everything."

"Yeah, Error has complained several times to me."

"Pfft, sound rough."

"You wouldn't even believe-" I exhale. "Anyway, what's up with Swap?" I say, hoping I said it in a polite manner.

"Oh... he's... He doesn't do well with new places and people, especially if they are loud..." I give another exasperated sigh as Error wraps Cross in his strings and Ink starts cheering and laughing.

"Sorry, I couldn't control these guys even if I tried, which I have tried."

"Oh no! It's not your fault, Ink is... being... loud... too..." Dream seems to have noticed the mess of fighting around him.

"Yeah, loud." Nightmare had to physically stop himself from giggling with his hand, that would be embarrassing. Dream laughs out as Ink falls off of something and lands on the floor.

Swap notices Ink fall and quickly rushes over to help him, everyone falls into quiet giggles as Swap picks Ink up bridal style then puts him on the couch with a thump.

"I do think that's enough of that for today Ink." He says, crossing his arms.

"Aw come onnn! I'm fine!" Ink says in between laughs.

"You know what you are Ink? An idiot." Swap says and flops back into his spot. Everyone starts laughing again.

"You know Swap? You've been pretty quiet, I forgot you were here." Killer says.


"Huh? I didn't mean it like that, it's just you never struck me as the more introverted type." He says.

"I- I dunno..."

"I mean I get none of us really started off on a great foot, but I promise we aren't that bad!"

"Y- yeah..." Swap looked really uncomfortable but I didn't know how to get him out of the situation without embarrassing him so I tap my twin brother.

"Hm?" He mumbles.

"You should probably go save him, he looks really anxious right now..." I whisper.

"Oh jeez, right."

Killer didn't know any better but was trying to conversate with Swap still, he was giving one of two word answers and look visually nervous, his eyes darting left to right and kept trying to hide lower into the armrest.

Dream walks over and grabs Swap's arm, swiftly making an excuse that Killer took and gave a thumbs up too.

Dream walks to me holding Swap's arm and plops him in between us.

"Don't worry~ We'll protect you from the scary Killer~" Dream says while sitting down, clearly teasing Swap.

"I'm not scared of him, I- I just can't get my nerves to calm downnnn" Swap complains, slumping onto Dream.

"It's alright" Dream laughs. "I understand by now Swap, I was messing with you."

"Killer can... be a lot.. so don't feel bad about not being able to talk to him or anything." I say, trying to be casual.

A Sprinkle Of Negativity (NightBerry)Where stories live. Discover now