I'm an Emperor!

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Y/N can be seen at a cafe with a chocolate cake and a cup of coffee. He seems slightly stressed about something on his tablet.

Y/N: 'I can't believe Union secured one of the forges! Luckily the forge defended itself as none of them had any clearance, but this makes getting them much harder!'

Recently, Y/N read the news concerning Union. One of their Huntsman teams found ruins of an ancient but advanced structure somewhere in Europe. A barrier erected itself when the huntsmen team was defeated and Union has been trying to open it with no luck. When Y/N matched the location with his master map, he found out that it was in fact the Bergusia Forge, one of the forges connected to the Black Armory and the only forge capable of creating a special object known as the Obsidian Accelerator. The stressed Y/N takes a bite of his cake and slightly has a foodgasm. He softly moans at the taste of the cake and smiles.

Y/N: So good~.

Y/N happily eats his cake not caring about the slightly stressed cafe owner. When the owner saw who ordered a chocolate cake, he personally made it and ensured that it was made with all of the love and care he could muster while carefully crafting it like a work of art. He even added a cute bunny picture to Y/N's coffee. With someone like Y/N tasting his food, a single review can make or break his entire cafe. The moment Y/N finishes his meal, the owner walks up to him and somehow manages to keep his nervousness hidden.

Owner: Did you enjoy your meal sir?

Y/N nods with his charming, albeit unintentionally seductive, smile.

Y/N: It was amazing! My coffee was refreshing after my stressful day and the cake was simply orgasmic~! 

The owner smiles and inwardly sighs in relief. He put all of his effort and skill into making the perfect meal for Y/N. Not many people know much about Y/N, so it's stressful when he orders food as they believe his tastes are high quality. Unknown to them, however, Y/N is incredibly easy to please when it comes to food. The owner gives Y/N a cutely wrapped box with a red bow. 

Owner: Then take this cake on the house. It's 8 different cakes hand-baked by me that I assume you didn't try.

Y/N's eyes widen as he slightly drools.

Y/N: Are you sure I can just have this? It seems criminal to just take a cake this delicious without paying for it.

The owner nods and pushes the box to Y/N, who shakily takes it.

Owner: I insist!

Y/N: W-well, thank you!

Y/N happily walks out of the cafe with his box of cakes in hand. While walking, Y/N goes over the new batches of DNA his newest soldiers have retreated. He diluted the mass of the Brutes and gave them some of the Claw and specific Superhuman Conditioning genes to make them agile but still capable of packing a punch if needed. Y/N also made their armor different from the normal soldier armor as it used some mass from the artificial symbiote he got when Cinder and her team invaded. 

Y/N: 'DNA from the entire Inhuman Royal Family as well as the Brotherhood of Mutants: Sonic scream gene, Telepathy Gene, Hair manipulation Gene, Elemental Manipulation Gene (Specifically Water, Ice, Electricity, Wind, and Fire), Probability Perception gene, Amphibian Adaptation gene, Shapeshifting gene, Organic Diamond skin gene, Acidic saliva gene, Wing manifestation gene, Prehensile tail gene, Teleportation gene, Frog like physiology gene, High-speed adaptation gene, Seismokinesis gene, Telekinesis gene, Psionic energy manipulation gene, Self-duplication gene, Magnetokinesis gene, Ash mimicry gene, Invisibility gene, and Reptilian like physiology gene. From my understanding, Stein has duplicated the Superhuman conditioning gene and has created more isolated genes from that, like Superhuman strength and speed.'

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