Chapter 11

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It had been a few weeks since Percy came by, she was going to explore but keep in touch with Drift and surprisingly Bumblebee. Cade didn't think of it much, especially after all the other commotion going on. He had finally arrived at what appeared to be a castel. Walking side by side with bumblebee, they made their way up to the older man standing in the path. They stood talking, well the older talked, Cade rolled his eyes. Another car pulled up, a black and orange Lamborghini Centenario LP770-4. Two women came flying out as it transformed, hitting the grass hard. One had what appeared to be a golf club and was swinging it wildly at the transformer while the other stood there laughing. Cade sighed as the first woman fell down the hill with the transformers complaining. The second lady walked over, waving at the elder. He kindly waved back," hello again my lady." As she walked closer, Cade realized it was the girl that Drift invited about a month ago. He sighed. She looked him over," how are you doing Cade, still watching over the bots." He sighed deeply," don't you already know, my lady." She rolled her eyes, turning away to go collect the other woman, much to Hot Rod's confusion. 

As they got the woman, Vivian seated, the elder, Sir Edmund Burton, started explaining everything she and Cade needed to know. Hot Rod peeped into the window with Bumblebee right behind him. Percy laughed as they listened in. She teleported to Bumblebees shoulder," Hey Bee, how's it going." He shrugged as Hot Rod jumped around at the sudden voice. "Hello little lady, we have not formally met, I am Hot Rod." He said in his French accent which apparently he could not get rid of. Percy smiled," I am Persephone but you can call me Percy." Hot Rod nodded, bowing his head lightly in respect. Bumblebee beeped at Hot Rod and they walked away over the front of the castle. "They are coming." Percy said watching as black cars drove down the concrete path. She jumped off bumblebee as the others came running out a castle. Cogman and Sir Edmund came racing out in a red car while hot Rod shot his time bubble gun slowing down the police. Bumblebee transformed and let Vivian and Cade in. Percy cast a time spell at the others. The transformer looked shocked but transformed and let her in anyway. They raced through the streets, hot Rod and Percy leading the police away from Bumblebee with his two passengers. "So what are you really?" Hot Rod asked. Percy placed her hands on the wheel. "I am Persephone, daughter of Chaos and primordial of all elements, animals, emotions and Loyalty." Hot Rod let her steer as they made their way to meet with the others and finally start her actual mission.

Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy. Comment who is your favorite transformer, see if you can guess mine? Anyone who comments gets a shout out!

Percy Jackson sister of Jason ToddDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora