chapter 7

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"Roy Harper!" A very loud voice came from the head consular of the Apollo cabin. Roy jumped and hid behind me. I snickered as the bright blond haired, blue eyed boy came into view. Others stepped back as they didn't want to face an angry Will Solace. "Where have you been?" Will stomped up to me and Roy. I stepped out of the way and Roy straightened his pasture. Will punched him in the arm hard then pulled him into a hug. " you were supposed to keep in contact." Roy sighed," I know and I am sorry. I got busy with things I can't explain for reasons I also can not explain." I giggled and Will turned to me," percy, Hi, how you been." He asked as he let go of Roy and hugged me instead. "We actually came to see Rachel and are on the hunt for some answers." Will rose a brow and I looked over a Chiron. "Let's walk to the big house." I said grabbing Roy and Will along with Chiron. "Someone attacked a city and the heros went to access the threat but when I made contact with them they said 'oh young demigod, it has just begun. My master has waited for sentries to meet you but the gods have kept you away. I wonder why. See you soon Princess.' Who do you think it was?" Chiron froze," the boy told you this." I nodded. Will and Roy both watched Chiron wearily. Roy closed the door and Will shut the windows. "Chiron, do you know something?" Will asked. "And don't lie there are two sons of Apollo and champion of Apollo in the room. We will know if you lie." Roy added. Chiron passed the inside of the room," the gods have kept you from a lot of things Percy but everything was for your own good." I wanted to know what he was talking about but I knew he wouldn't say anything more. "I am going to go see my father then, boys coming with me." They both nodded and we walked out of the big house. I grabbed both of their hands and ran into the nearest shadow. The olympians were arguing when we appeared out of Hades' throne shadow. They all palsed and gaped at us. "What do you need, dearest daughter," my father Poseidon smiled at me. I cocked a hip and raised a brow," you know I want answered, who is after me." Will backed me up," this time." He added. Roy rolled his eyes but also backed me up. All the gods had a silent conversation and they got paler as time passed. "Well." I yelled trying to get the answer. Artamis shook her head," oh Percy this is not how it was supposed to end. We did it for your own good, believe us." I looked over at my father,"Dad, who is after me, what are you keeping from me." Poseidon looked away from my gaze and I could see his eyes water. I looked at Zeus, he too had frowned and was looking away from me. "Tell me!" I screamed in frustration. Will and Roy covered their ears because my loud voice echoed through the room. Hera stood," he wants you back. He wants you to come back home to him. We kept you from him. He sent you to us for protection but when we refused to send you back he was furious. We couldn't let you go back because we had Fallin in love with the little baby girl that was left outside of Olympus years ago. You were blessed by every god back then and your memories wiped. We unlocked the blessing after the war but your memories were never returned." I felt tears running down my cheek," who is he? Who is the man that wants me?" Poseidon cried out something I would have never come out of his mouth," your father." I froze," but you are my father." I said  in confusion. Posiden shook his head," no, that was the agreement when you were sent to Olympus, was that you would be my adopted daughter." I sank to the floor, crying. Will and Roy shood frozen behind me. My whole life was a lie. I wiped my tears," then who is my father?" I asked, looking at Poseidon. He sighed," your father is……..

Percy Jackson sister of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now