Then it dawned upon me.


He shrugged and threw me a dimpled smile as he kissed my cheek. I hadn't realised it but in wanting to check his back I had wrapped my legs around his torso and was practically sitting in his lap. On his end, he made sure to close any space between us by wrapping me tightly in his arms.

"Channie stop." I held my ground firmly.

The smile dropped from his gorgeous face and he loosened his grip. I slipped from his lap and sat in front of him. His gaze was cast at a piece of weed growing near my feet and he looked so upset.

I held my hand to the side of his face and massaged his temple to calm him down. I didn't want him to feel bad or break his heart especially when he's done so much to save me tonight. He grabbed my hand and started kissing it. Over the knuckles and the palm. As much as I've always loved it when he did that, that one annoying voice was nagging me. No not Nyx (who just had fainted from exhaustion at this point.) but something else.


"Channie..I'm sorry but.."

"I like you Jai."


"I mean I've always liked you but I underestimated just how much. Watching you in distress something came over me like I just wanted to keep you with me forever. I hate the way those Wolves were touching you. Like it was pissing me off." He growled the last part.

I'm going to hell for sure.

I'm about 90% sure that this was the effect of the projection. I mean Channie and I have always been close and had feelings for each other but when I told him about Sameer the other day he seemed fine. And Channie isn't someone who can hide what he feels. He will say whatever is on his mind and that's what I love about him the most. The transparency. Clearly even now he was vocalising what he felt even though he was unsure about it.

As I was lost In thought he ran his hand across my bare chest, trailing down my pecs brushing his fingers against my midriff. I stared at him with a puzzled look.

"Sorry. I don't know why I just did that. You just look so..."

"Eager and Beautiful?" I helped him reach the words.

"Exactly! So eager and beautiful and...mine" he said as his eyes flashed bright yellow and his canines extended.

Im sorry Channie this is for your benefit.

Saying this prayer I gave him the tightest slap I could muster with my palms. The sound reverberated through the forest sending birds flying in the air. In Hindi, there is a saying "you hit someone so hard that you send parrots flying". I embodied that perfectly as an angry red print materialised on his left cheek.

"Ow..mmhph" Chanyeol whimpered and but his lip. His nose twitched again as he looked up to make eye contact with me. His eyes were still glowing yellow, not only that he seemed to have fallen deeper into the projection. He flexed his muscles and gave me the most spine chilling smile I had ever seen. He wasn't the handsome warm Alpha I knew, he was emanating waves of arousal.


"Who knew little OJ had that much gas in the tank?" He said before he swept my legs from under me, making me fall on my back with a thud. Anticipating my resistance he brought down his knee on my chest and held my arms in place using his strong palms.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck

"Chanyeol listen to me. You need to stop"

"On the contrary. I think I need to teach a bratty Omega a lesson"

"Chanyeol listen please don't do this" I was downright begging at this point. This predicament was beyond terrifying. If Chanyeol couldn't control himself right now, the results could be disastrous and he'll do something he'll regret.

"Aah yes. Beg OJ." He said veering dangerously close to my neck. "Act like a brat then beg knowing well enough Alpha cannot resist your begging"

I swallowed again feeling the panic spread through my body. My breathing was running at 100 mph. Then suddenly something clicked.

"Chanyeol why did you throw me in the water?"


"You threw me into the water. Why?"

"I don't...remember?" He got up with a furrowed brow genuinely puzzled at why?

"Yes you do! Think why would you do that?"

"You were smelling so good. Like lavender and wet clay. But I didn't want you near me." He cocked his head in clear confusion.

"Yes you didn't. Why is that Channie?"

"Because I...I didn't want to mark you. And I didn't think I could control myself" he whispered as a wave of realisation came crashing onto him, causing his eyes to return to their original colour.
His heartbeat steadied and his scent returned to his usual cold metallic one.

"OJ what's going on why do I have my knee on you chest?"

He's back thank God.

Like I said Channie vocalised a lot of his feelings and thought process. So if I could make him rationalise his actions by trapping him in conversation, his human part would get more engaged granting him control over his wolf, Zzar. It was a long shot but thankfully it worked.

"Nothing we were just wrestling" did he really not remember?

"Why were we wrestling? I could've really hurt you. Why would I wrestle you?"

"I said Taylor Swift is overrated."

"Oh makes sense. You probably deserved the knee to the chest" he nodded knowingly fully convinced that it makes sense.

I'm a little bit gagged that this actually worked.

"Wait but I remember I carried you here. Why were we talking about Taylor Swift? Wait are u hurt?" He looked at me with panic and concern.

"I'm fine. Yeah it's just a blur to me too. Something about the Lunar Rock being in phase."

That's not even a thing. What even is that?

"Oh ok" he ran his hand through his hair and got up to dust himself off. He didn't want any more explanation.

Channie you're really naieve you know that?

"Let me drop you home?" He asked.

"We need to take you to the hospital first" I said getting up and grabbing my phone from the bushes nearby

Omega Chronicles: Bite Me!Where stories live. Discover now