(31) Mates For Sure

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Wei Zhixin had arrived back at the palace, she was still thinking of what Xiao Hulu had told her.
She was the emperor's mate. And how couldn't she have known? She had the powers to know who her mate suppose to be. But to be honest, she never thought she could have one, and it was the emperor of all men. 'Oh, lucky me, lucky me' she chanted within her.
But how was she going to act? She wouldn't want the emperor to know that Xiao Hulu had told her.
She was in the garden, tapping her feet in the water.

Wei Zhixin didn't know how she was going to face the emperor.
'He is my mate right? I can just jump and hug him' she mind linked Bai, she dug her fingers into her lengthy hair.
'But how come you never knew about this?' Bai asked her.
Wei Zhixin wasn't sure too. But she was over joyous, she still couldn't believe that they were bonded together.
Wei Zhixin stood up, she carried Bai.
"Let's go inside"
She walked past the palace courtyards and she could perceive a very familiar scent. It was the emperor.
What was he doing inside this place? Shouldn't he be at the throne room, chamber or wherever?
She knew not about the rooms and part of a palace.
Wei Zhixin opened the door of the room and walked in.
It doesn't looks like much, they were large books lined up in the shelf above and below the walls of the room. And just in a corner, she could see the emperor he was seating on a chair in front of the table, he was so engrossed in the book he was reading that he didn't notice Wei Zhixin's entrance.
Wei Zhixin stood near the shelf wondering if she should probably go back, his majesty wouldn't like to be disturbed.
Wait, how did she know that he was in there.
Wei Zhixin could already trace him with his scent. How lovely!
Shen Liqiang could feel someone presence in the room, then he raised his eyes from the book and looked up.
How did she knew he was here?
Except for Haoyu and his mother who knew that this place was his secret library, no one else does.
"What are you doing here?" He asked closing the book. "And how did you find me here?" He asked her trying not to sound surprise.
"I....I..just came here.. I" she stuttered, not knowing if she should say she could trace him with his scent.
"Tell me Wei Zhixin, were you following me?" He inquired.
Following him?
No she wasn't!
"No, I wasn't following you your majesty. I just followed your sc...scent" she stuttered.
Oh she has said it.
Shen Liqiang raised an eyebrow.
"Follow my scent? How?"
'Don't you know we are mates?' Wei Zhixin wanted to blurt out.
"I... I... don't know"
There was a short silence.
"So your majesty c..."
"Call me Shen Liqiang" he interrupted her.
Wait what!
She should call him by his real name?
Was he kidding her?
"Your majesty I..." She continued.
"Shen Liqiang" He corrected her. "If you keep saying your majesty then I wouldn't give you a listening ear" he warned seriously.
"I just wanted to borrow one of your books, I'm so bored in my room" she had already carried a book before she was even asking.
"You are already holding the book. Beside, keep that book down, you won't take it with you."
"Keep the book? But why?" She was astonished, why would he ask her to keep his stuff.
Shen Liqiang just looked at her. He knew that she was hiding something.
Or had she found out that they are mate? She could even trace him with his scent.
He just knew that they were mates for sure!

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