(27) Their First Encounter 2

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Shen Liqiang looked around and was quite surprised, he was back at his palace.
He took a look at the lady who had brought him back home.
So it was her?
He never knew this whole time, it was his mate of a sorceress.
Shen Liqiang guessed Xiao Hulu was right.
He didn't know what happened, but surely he might have been attacked by some unknown magic spirits and who knows what saved him?
Haoyu was the first person who ran towards him.
"Oh his majesty is back, I was worried sick I t... Aah who is that?" Haoyu was saying when his eyes suddenly saw the rumored sorceress, standing with a white fox in her arms.
Shen Liqiang didn't know if he should leave Wei Zhixin standing outside, he knew that she has no where to go.
"Tell maid Ruoxi to take care of her" was the only order he gave before walking inside.
"Hello" Wei Zhixin smiled at Haoyu, she wasn't surprised that he was frightened when he saw her, if course everyone knew her as the brutal sorceress.
"H..h.h..hi" Haoyu stammered. But he could admit that the callous sorceress is very beautiful and her smile is even enticing, her hair is the longest hair he had ever seen.
Haoyu quickly thought, 'Could she be his highness wife?'
"Oh miss, come on this way" He led the way into the massive palace.
Empress dowager Zhao Yinghua was talking to her son.
"Shen Liqiang you scared me, please be careful you are my only son. I don't want something bad to happen to you"
"I'm fine mother, I just" he didn't know what to tell his mother. How could he tell her that he was attacked by some unknown magic spirits? He searched for words in his head. Unfortunately, he found none.
Then Wei Zhixin and Haoyu passed by.
"Who is she?" Zhao Yinghua asked him looking very serious.
"Mother she is the girl I was te..."
"Oh are you serious? I would like to see her now" Zhao Yinghua sounds so gratified.
"Mother don't.." before he could even end his words, Zhao Yinghua had already walked off with her servant girls behind her, Shen Liqiang walked after his mother, he must make sure she didn't say anything provoking.
"Call me the girl" she ordered one of her servant girls.
The servant girl quickly walked towards Haoyu.
"Master, empress dowager had asked me to call this miss" even the servant girl couldn't help but look at Wei Zhixin. As a servant, she was supposed to keep her head lowered whenever she talks to the royals, but she couldn't resist. She is way too beautiful.
Haoyu wasn't sure, unless when he saw empress dowager standing beside the pillars with her servant girls.
'Emperor asked me to take her to Ruoxi, his mother asked to see her' he wouldn't dare disobey empress dowager's orders.
So he led Wei Zhixin to where she stood.
"Thank you Haoyu, you may leave"
Wei Zhixin thought that the empress dowager might hate her or even throw abuses on her.
"Nice to meet you your highness" Wei Zhixin greeted her politely and bowed.
Zhao Yinghua smiled to herself.
"You are so beautiful my dear" she beamed.
"Thank you your highness" Wei Zhixin was happy at least she praised her beauty.
Zhao Yinghua still got more things to tell and ask her.
"What is your name dear?" She asked.
"I am..." She paused. 'should I tell her my real name?'
"I am Wei Zhixin"
"A princess from mingshan right?" Zhao Yinghua asked her further.
"Amazing, you may go and rest now I will see you later"
Zhao Yinghua left.
Wei Zhixin looked back, Shen Liqiang was standing looking at her.
"I think I should get going" she said and chuckled.
"Go where?" He was sure she got no place to go.
"Anywhere, I'll just go back to the forest" she smiled.
"I want you to stay!"

Tell me what you think dearies.

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