Knives Are a Girls Best Friend

Start from the beginning

"Isn't it bluntly obvious? A form of target practice. Yeah trust me, when I first picked up a knife I knew I might go out with them too. It doesn't phase me much." I replied nonchalantly. Felix gave me a crazy look.

"You really are mad." I smiled.

"Thanks. Have any other lovely comments to give me before you knife me?" I asked, eyeing the knife in his hand. He chuckled.

"Oh no, I'm not knifing you yet. Pan wants to see it happen. You have no idea how happy he will be when he successfully kills you."

"Oh I'm sure. He's already failed once so obviously he wants to see it done properly correct?" I asked innocently. Felix stayed silent. I turned back to the twirling knife and sighed.

"What are you doing Felix? If you're trying to impress me you are failing." I replied simply. Felix chuckled.

"No. You see even though Pan told me not too, I really want to get you with this knife." He confessed. I bend over and faced him full in the face.

"Then what's stopping you? I here defenseless in a cage and Pan is no where near me." I whispered daringly. Felix stiffened, causing the knife to fall from his hand and slice his palm.

"Ahh!" Quickly before he could grab the knife I reached my hand out of the bars and grabbed the knife and then slid deeper into the cage where no one could reach me.

"She's got a knife!" One of the lost boys called out, pointing toward me. Just then all the lost boys in the whole camp started gearing up and running toward me with bows and arrows, swords, bats and knives.

All this preparation just because Alex has a knife. What a name I've made for myself.

"Alex! Give us the knife or else we will shoot." Felix warned. He had one hand putting pressure on the other with the cut and his face showed signs of pain.

"How about no." I replied simply.

**Lottie POV**

Peter Pan is Rumpelstiltskin father. How the... how is that possible? I thought to myself as I watched the two of the talk.

It felt like my whole life was a lie from hearing the news. It was the stupidest thing to say or think but truthfully that was how I felt. That was when the thought hit me.

Oh my God. I kissed Rumpelstiltskin father. Immediately I wanted to roll into a ball and disappear. But then I saw something between Rumpelstiltskin and Pan that made me look up in concern. Both of them had the boxes facing them.

And Rumpelstiltskin was not moving...

That was when I saw red smoke leave Pans box and wrap itself around Rumpelstiltskin. Should I go help him? Should I lose my position and just try and help?

No. Rumpelstiltskin saw you were there. He would have called out to you. Plus apart from Pan, you are the only one who saw Rumple disappear in that box. If you get captured then no one can save him.

That ended it. I was staying put. Just when I made my discussion, I saw Rumple fall into the box and disappear into thin air. Pan closed the box and lifted it up in the air happily.

"What's that box for?" A voice asked. I turned and saw Henry come from one of the sides of the cave entrances.

"This was always mine. It has one of the most dearest things to me in it." He replied. I gritted my teeth.


There was a silence that was quickly shut off when Pan placed the box off to the side and brought Henry to the new room off in the corner.

"Come on Henry. It's time to get this over with."

**Alex POV**

It was easy to say that the camp was in complete chaos. Arrows were flying everywhere and boys were running like headless chickens. No one knew what to do since Felix was out cold and Pan was gone.

And why you might ask are these lost boys running around like crazy idiots? Because I got out of my cage. And I had a knife, or rather, all of my knives.

I kicked a bit of the broken cage out of my way and headed for one of the trees that held one of the big tents attached up on the tent. Grabbing one of the burning logs at the fire, I threw it up at the cloth tent and then with one of my knives I slashed it from the tree, letting it fall to the ground right in front of one of the camps big exits.

I turned around and saw a smaller group of lost boys trying to get as far away from me as possible. I sighed.

I need a drink.

Hey Guys,

So here is a fun little chapter for you all. I just started summer which means I can write more and I have a plan of what I will be doing this summer on here. This book is almost over now and I doubt you read my dance book but that book is almost done too.

I don't know if any of you are Marvel fans but I've kinda gotten into that fan group too so I will be writting a marvel fanfic about Quicksilver if you want to read that.

Of course, That wont come out until after I finish both this book and On top.

I hope you liked the chapter everybody :)

Lots of Love


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