20. The Dare

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There's one thing you should always keep in mind when threatening a trained assassin: most of us are borderline psychopaths. 

Inhaling the fresh, woodsy scent of Wren's cologne, I close my eyes, smiling to myself. 

"You have about ten seconds to get the fuck off of me and release me from these ropes before I show you exactly why my reputation proceeds me." Calmly, I open my eyes, staring into the fiery irises of my arch nemesis.  

He laughs, Wren Ledger actually laughs, a deep rumbling noise that I feel vibrate throughout my entire body due to the proximity. Though his face shows no real humor, it surprises me, nearly short circuiting my brain. I genuinely don't think I've ever heard him do anything except grumble and bark orders at his little servants. 

Climbing off of me, Wren shakes his head, beginning to walk towards the door. I immediately feel his absence, the body heat he was giving off dissipating in the snap of a finger. His partners in crime follow him, sensing the end of this discussion. My mind beings to whirl, fear settling in as my palms begin to sweat and my heartbeat kicks up its pace. Claustrophobia whispers in the shadows of the dimly lit room and my skin begins to feel too tight for my body, brain becoming far too aware of every single place where my limbs are locked together and the uncomfortable way they sit. 

They're really going to leave me in here. 

"Wait!" I scramble for a solution, anything to pacify Wren and the others long enough to at least consider releasing me. 

I can't do this again, I just can't, not after last time. My breathing becomes erratic, shallow, and my jaw tingles with the feeling of a thousand needles. I'm running out of time and I know it. I need to breathe goddamnit, they can't get to me this easily, I won't allow it. 

I'm stronger now, I can handle myself, I can get out this time, I'm safe as long as I keep my wits about me. 

"Make a deal with me," This catches their attention, halting their footfalls entirely. 

Hunter speaks first. "What do you think you have that you could offer us?" 

Indecision seems to push me farther onto the bed, emotions battering against my heart as if they were locked in a crimson painted cage. On one hand, I want absolutely nothing to do with these four, and I certainly don't want to give into their mind games. My pride holds his head high, not daring to even think about defeat. But on the other hand, I really don't want to stay like this, and I have an important job here, find my mom's killer.

"I'll play your stupid game of truth or dare." The words are out before I have a chance to rethink them. 

All of their eyebrows raise. "How does that help us?" Wren, as per usual, isn't convinced. 

"Well if you would let me explain," I eye him angrily. "Let's play for points, if you refuse to complete a dare or answer a question, you don't get anything. The more you accept, the more points you win, we'll take turns. If one of you reaches six points first, you get to leave me in here for as long as you want." Even the words taste sour on my tongue. 

"What's the catch?" Cyrus emerges from the sidelines yet again, a suspicious twinkle in his eyes. 

Smirking, I jut my chin out, gaining back some of my confidence. "If I reach six points before any of you, I don't get put back in here....and you have to help me figure out who killed my mom." Killing two birds with one stone. 

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