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The sticky, warm blood coats my hands, changing my usual complexion to a velvet red.

Her body lays blank on the polished floor, frozen in time by the bullet lodged straight through her skull. It was a perfect shot, only messy by the terror that came after. The tiny bullet whizzed right in and went right back out, hitting the wall behind where my mother once stood.

My mother.

Celeste Phoenix.

The one person other than Dad and Amira who I actually ever let close to me. And now, she's gone too.

Happy memories of last night's dinner slam through my head, clouding my vision with even more tears. We had our usual Sunday family dinner, as we normally don't see each other throughout the week. Me living in my own place now and the hefty weight of our job loading up our schedule. But we always come together on Sunday. No work, no seriousness, no depressing shit, just family and warmth.

Mom was so cheery last night, proud that she was able to pull off a new recipe she had tried. And it was good too, really good. Her face was all lit up, eyes creasing and smile lines forming from the pure joy. She had looked beautiful too, with her long, black hair that she passed down to me, and her light blue dress, she had looked stunning. But then again, my mother always was the most beautiful woman in the room.

I guess that's gone now as well.

Now, all that sits in front of me as I bend down on my knees, is a pale skeleton of that woman. Her jade eyes are glossed over and completely lifeless, still open from the spontaneousness of the hit. Her hair is splayed out across the marble of the foyer, so dark in color that it mixes perfectly with the pool of blood that surrounds her like a halo. Even her body doesn't look the same, contorted at an awkward angle, and all that covers her is a pink night set.

The police sirens whirl from outside, causing the unease to sink even farther in the pit of my stomach. If they come in here, cart her away, that makes it all the more real.

And then comes the questions, the harsh and unforgiving questions, none of which I'll have an answer for. I have no idea what the fuck happened.

Mom was just here, just alive not hours ago. And now, she's gone, never to return.

The door bursts open then, loud enough to cast my eyes away from the body but, I don't see anything, not really. I'm too far away, too lost in my own mind. I can't even feel my limbs or my heartbeat to tell me that I'm even still here myself. Nothing seems to register properly, mind still struggling to catch up.

Strong arms lift me from my position, trying to get me to stand but, my body just slumps against them. I can't even carry my own weight. I don't even care to see who's grabbing me.

Blood has never scared me, neither has death or bodies, not in this line of work. But to see my own mother like that, shot down similarly to how I would claim a target, has broken me.

I can hear distant shouts as I am pulled farther and farther away from Mom but I don't, can't respond.

Paramedics come in, whirling through the foyer like an out of control hurricane. They bring machines of all sorts, kneeling in the position I once sat in, trying everything to save her. But I know it's useless, she's long gone.

My feet hit concrete the same time as the sun barrels through my vision, warming my freezing cold body. I'm outside, someone has brought me outside and completely away from her.

No. No, I have to go back in there, I have to be with her.

The police and ambulance lights blind my eyes as if it were pitch black outside. The shouts and frantic scurries can be heard all over.

And somehow, I want to go back.

But before I can even think of moving, my father's large hands grasp my shoulders. "No, Lorelei."

I blink up at him confused, why is he stopping me? "I need to see her," My voice is choked, raspy with emotion that has not yet fallen.

"You can't Lori, you can't." He hasn't called me by the nickname since I was at least ten and his voice is just as somber as mine.

I wrench from his hold, my usual determination shining through. "Let me see her!"

My feet go to step forward, back into the house, but I'm stopped again. This time, by a hug. Dad's broad arms cradle my body tightly, squeezing as if it were his last chance at it. And for some reason, that's when I finally cave. The warmth of his sheltering hold and the comfort of the endearment has me melting, following his actions by wrapping my arms around him in return.

The tears finally fall, for once in my life, someone other than my bedroom walls sees me cry. They burn like hot coals down my cheeks, more welling in my eyes over and over again. Soon, I break into a full on sob, my body rocking against my father's.

He begins his own sobs after a moment, and I realize, it's the first time I've seen him cry as well.

And there we stay, as the paramedics realize there's no hope, as the coroner comes to take Mom away, and as the police finally approach us with questions, we stay in each other's arms.

Offering the comfort that Mom no longer can.


A sad start, but there you have it wonderful people. There will be more to come, I promise, but thank you for reading.

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