7. Welcome to the Hell Zone

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Immediately my stomach rolled, understanding the situation crystal clear. Panic slithered through my veins, icy cold and with a deadly whisper in my ear.

I have no idea how long I was knocked out for and no clue where I am. It could have been hours, days.

Although I doubt I would have been out for that long, my body's too resilient for that.

Either way, I'm in a car with a man I don't know, and I've never seen his face. Conveniently meaning that if I do escape, I can't identify my attacker. He's now officially harmed me and brought me to a place that is seemingly kept secret, especially from me.

My mother is dead, murdered, and no one other than my father know's of my location. And maybe he even doesn't.


The image of my father shot dead on our marble floor, suffocating on his own velvet blood, clouds my thoughts. What if I made the wrong choice? What if I left him to die? What if I left Amira to die? What if-

What if this is all a set up?

The dark thought crawls up my spine sooner than I can tamper it down. But he wouldn't do that, would he? My father loves me, I know that for sure. And we've always had a pretty good relationship, abnormal, but good nonetheless.

But everything inside me questions why he would trust this man, possibly multiple men, to keep me safe. Why would he allow me to be taken to an unknown location, get hurt by the man driving for God's sake?

Just the idea reminds me of the throbbing ache near my temple, making a groan spill from my mouth.

And why do I still feel like Dad knew more than he was letting on? If his avoidance of my questions and the way he literally admitted he knew Mom's death wasn't an accident wasn't enough to go by, the fear on his face, the pure terror in his charcoal eyes sure was. Abraham Phoenix never shows his fear.

I can't think straight, between the pain shooting through my skull, the confusing number of questions running rampant in my head, and the gut feeling of danger, I'm a pile of worry and blurry thoughts.

The loud thump of a car door closing has me jumping, rousing from my doom consumed mind. And the second I feel the whoosh of chilly air lick my legs, sprouting a sea of goosebumps, I know my door has been opened. My heartbeat pounds so brutally, I fear it may stutter and quit on me. My thoughts and breathing are on overdrive, dread locking onto every limb and fiber of my body.

But most of all, my primal need to survive lights like gasoline poured over a roaring flame.

This is meant to be my salvation, protection from the one's possibly targeting my family. But for some reason, it feels like my damnation.

I feel Kenzo's presence even if I can't see him.

"I'm going to take your blindfold off now and I need you not to do anything stupid," I will never get used to the way his voice slides over my body, raspy but somehow still as sweet as honey.

I laugh, devoid of humor. "Like what, Kidnapper?"

"Like run," He doesn't sound the slightest bit amused by my use of the nickname.

I turn a sweet smile to what I hope is where Kenzo now stands. "Now why would I do that, hm?"

"I'm not an idiot, Lorelei Phoenix." He spits my name like even the feel of it on his tongue gives him a disease.

Well good for him the hatred is already mutual. I don't forgive being pistol whipped and held against my will very easily. Even if it's for my "protection".

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