chapter one hundred and sixteen

Start from the beginning

Don't play dumb
The flirting with Johnny

Ohhh that

I'm pretty sure you're not stupid
nor heartless so I'm gonna assume
whatever the hell you're doing isn't
to just fuck with Johnny but last I
checked, you don't don't do this
Hell, you're stiff and awkward as
fuck when it comes to Johnny
cause you're convinced you're
hurting him

Anything else you wanna say?

Nope, I'll wait for you to tell me
what's going on

I'm pretty sure I know exactly how
you're saying that and what pose
you'd do
The flirting was an
I may or may not want Johnny to
keep his feelings for me...
And consider me an option...



Why do you want Johnny to be
interested in you now?
I'll have you know that I'm doing my
very best not to rip into you but if
you say one thing I don't like, I
fucking hope you cry

Jesus you really are scary


Alright, alright!

"Did you find everything okay?" Shotaro asks boredly, scanning the items.

"Yeah. Wait, Shotaro?"

The males head snaps up and finds Mark in front of him. He attempts a smile, hoping it's enough for the male. "Oh, hi, Mark."

"Hi." Mark studies the male, sensing something off with him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Mark looks behind him and finds no one else in line, promoting him to ask, "Have you gone on break yet?"

Shotaro looks up and around the store, finding it deserted besides two customers. He looks behind him to his coworker. "I'm going on my lunch break."

"Alright", she responds, not even looking at him.

"I'll be right back."

Mark waits at the front of the store, near the register. It's only two minutes until Shotaro reappears, a black hoodie covering his uniform.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Shotaro nods and follows Mark to his car. The two get in and Shotaro freezes when Mark looks at him, instead of doing anything. "How are you? Really? And don't give me any of that bullshit. We all lie about being fine."

"Is it really that obvious?"

"You just seem sad."

The male sighs. "It's not sadness...exactly. I'm...angry with myself for how I feel. There's this...person and I'm jealous of him, but I hate that I am, but I can't ignore it."

"Do you wanna talk about why?"

Shotaro considers the male, knowing that it can't be too bad if he doesn't reveal anything and Mark seems genuine so he nods and directs Mark to a restaurant.

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