Chapter 6

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I was on my way to Susie’s house for the girls’ night. I was excited to see the others. I rang the doorbell and Susie opened the door. “Come in” she said. We walked to the living room. On the floor lay pillows and blankets.

“Why did you wanted to come earlier?” Susie asked me.

I sat down on the couch. I took a deep breath. She needed to know about my mum, even though I knew it was hard for me to tell.

“You know my mum was feeling sick the last few weeks,” I began “So my mum went to the doctor. They took some blood to do some blood tests. We had the results and it seems my mum uh,...” Why was it still hard to tell? Susie sat down next to me and took my hand. It calmed me down. Again I took a deep breath.

“The results told us that my mum has liver cancer. There is change that she will make it but it’s going to be a really tough battle.” 

I saw the look on her face, she was shocked. “How long do you know this?” she asked

“A few weeks, but I didn’t want to tell you back then because we were fighting so much. I’m sorry.” I said. I felt a bit guilty. I was afraid that she would get angry and that we would have a fight again.

“It’s alright, I understand.” Susie said. To be really honest, I didn’t expect that. She gave me a hug. “but we’re going to have a girls’ night, so you can have your mind on other things. And I know that your mum is strong.”

I was happy to hear this reaction from Susie. I was afraid that she would be mad that I hadn’t told her before. And she was right. I needed distraction, and doing fun things with my friends was the best way. I was happy that all the girls could come.

“Why where you so happy about that text during lunch?” Susie asked.

I blushed. I didn’t expect she would come to that. What could I say? ‘It was Harry and he is so cute’ No! Wait what? No, Emma! You don’t think he is cute! You just don’t!

“It uh,.... it was,... Bella” I just said. Yes, that was the best answer I could give.

“Bella? Do I know her?” Susie asked

“Uh, I don’t know, she is from Tennis.” I was glad that I didn’t have to lie about that. I was happy when the door bell rang. Susie walked to the hall and a few minutes later she came back with Jade and Sam.  After some time, also Zoë and Lucy arrived. To be really honest I was happy that I wasn’t alone with Susie anymore. Because now I had a bigger chance that they wouldn’t begin about the texts from Harry. We all sat down. Susie made some popcorn and we started the film. Every 5 seconds one of us said ‘OMG, Logan Lerman is so handsome!!’ or something like that. We watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the film Susie bought just this afternoon. Halfway through the film Zoë suddenly said: “Omg, Logan is so cute, I want to jump into the screen and give him a hug!”

After the film we watched MTV, because Jade suddenly came up with the idea that she wanted to dance. Jade and Zoë were dancing in the middle of the room when Lucy shouted

“I love this song!”

We all looked to the television. My heart stopped. HARRY WAS ON THE SCREEN!

“Look Em, it Harry” said Sam and she gave me a wink.

“Why is Louis so handsome?” Zoë shouted.

Why couldn’t they just shut up? I wanted to forget my potential feelings for Harry! I didn’t want to hear from them that Harry had beautiful eyes, because I knew he had, but I didn’t want to admit it. I had seen those beautiful green eyes, so I knew that they were beautiful.  Wait. What? No Emma, you don’t think he has beautiful eyes! You just don’t. What was wrong with me? I heard my friends singing along with the song ‘Kiss you.’ I saw Harry on the screen. Those lips, so kissable. Would he be a good kisser? Why was I even thinking about this? We’re just friends ! Friends don’t kiss each other! Even though I thought his lips looked really inviting. EMMA!! STOP IT NOW! I needed to get away from here!! I needed to clear my mind.

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