Chapter 5

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My mum kept asking about Harry since I showed her a One Direction video on YouTube. She became a fan and every time she had to go to the hospital she played One Direction music in her car. It was quite annoying really. But that wasn’t the worst part. She also asked me every day when Harry was coming over again and if he was my boyfriend already, because she was convinced that we looked cute together. That was very very very awkward, but she didn’t seem to see that. I didn’t think of Harry as a lust object, but she somehow thought I did. Well, I didn’t.

Anyway, things weren’t too bad for my mum. Not yet at least. She had a lot of tests and the results weren’t that bad. We knew it was going to be a really tough battle, but it looked like she was going to make it. We did worry about Jessie though. She came home very late most of the days and she smelled like smoke or it was obvious she had drunk alcohol. Whenever we asked where she had been and what she had been doing, she lied or ignored us.

Jessie and I used to be very close, we used to tell each other everything, but I noticed that she became more and more distant as time passed. I wanted everything to be back to normal, but every time I tried to talk to her, she just insulted me or shoved me out of her bedroom before locking the door.

Harry didn’t spend as much time with me anymore as he used to do, because he was very busy with the band. He did text me though and sometimes he called me. His texts or calls always cheered me up. I don’t know what it was, but hearing from him made me really happy.

Because I didn’t spend so much time with Harry anymore, the fights with Susie became rare, but maybe this had something to do with the fact that I told her that I didn’t want anything else than being friends with him. I realised that I missed Susie. She was a nice girl and she was fun to be around, when she wasn’t jealous at least. Sam and I understood that she had felt excluded when we did things with Harry and Ed and we apologised for that and we went shopping together.

The three of us walked through the streets of London. “Let’s go the CD shop” Sam suggested. We walked into the shop. Everywhere were films and CD’s . I saw the new CD of Ed Sheeran.

“Shall I buy this one?” I asked Susie.

“HAHA LOOK EMMA!” Sam ran towards us with a CD in her hand. “IT’S THE ONE DIRECTION ALBUM!” She gave me the CD.

“Take me home” Susie read aloud. “Even the album says you have to take it home, so you really have to buy it.”

“See!” Sam said and she looked at me with a huge smile on her face. “Buy it!”

“You’re scaring me , Sam!” I laughed and I jokingly pushed her away.

“Maybe you can buy it for your mom, she likes One Direction, right?” Sam said. She looked serious. It made me think. It was actually a really good idea, I think my mum would be very happy with it.

“But imagine, she will really talk about nothing else anymore! And that would be really annoying and also very weird, especially if Harry visits.” I said, still looking at the CD.

“I think she will like it, and it’s just for the fun.” Sam said again. I looked at Sam.

“You know what, I’m just going to do it. I think you’re right and that she will like it.” I walked to the cash register. Sam walked behind me.

“What are you going buy?” I asked her

“Just a present for someone when the time is right” she said and she winked at me. I looked around and saw Susie looking at some DVD’s. I walked to her and looked at the DVD’s she was looking at. Then I saw which DVD she was holding, The Perks of being a Wallflower.

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