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"So...you two are officially together?"asked Jongdae."Bo-ya?Oppa,they were already married."Yoonhye hit her brother on the head."What's that for?"asked Jongdae,rubbing his head."Nothing."replied Yoonhye.

"I think the whole school knows now.I mean usually you two will walk separate ways to class.But this morning,you two were holding hands and were being lovey dovey towards each other."said Yoonhye.


"I wonder how Kim Myungsoo will react?"said Jongdae.Yoonhye elbowed her brother."Ouch!"hissed Jongdae,rubbing his stomach.

"I guess he knows it now."said Sooyeon.

"Don't mind him,he already knew that you were engaged anyway."said Yoonhye."I hope so.I don't want to mislead anyone's feelings."said Sooyeon.


"Congrats,Hyung.You are finally dating."congratulated Kyungsoo."Married and in a relationship,so confusing."said Sehun,shooking his head slightly.

*phone buzzes

Luhan fished out his phone from his back pocket and checked who just sent him a message.

Watch your back.

Luhan raised an eyebrow at the message from an unknown sender."What is it hyung?"asked Chanyeol who noticed Luhan's expression.

"Nothing.It is just some spam messages."said Luhan.


*phone buzzes

Sooyeon picked up her phone to check the text message.

"Sooyeon,I am going to be staying at Jongdae's house.Go home by yourself."Sooyeon read the text message from Luhan."Wow.Nice boyfriend."said Sooyeon in sarcasm.

"I will go and visit my parents first,since it is nearer."Sooyeon said to herself.

She walked the road towards home.Her phone rang again,Yoonhye was calling.She picked it up.


"Yah,Sooyeon-a,is my blue pen with you?"asked Yoonhye on the other line.

"I don't know.I haven't reach home yet,I will check my pencil case when I reached home later."

"What?Usually at this time,you have already got home,why are you so late?"

"Luhan is staying over at your house,and I am walking home by myself."Sooyeon replied boredly.

"My house?"

"Technically,Jongdae's house."

"But,Jongdae and I are at school now,and Luhan had already left.Wait."Yoonhye hold the line."Oppa,did you invite Luhan to stay over at your place?"Sooyeon can hear Yoonhye asking.

"That's weird.Did Luhan lied to you?"asked Yoonhye.

"Nevermind,bye."said Sooyeon and hung up.Why did Luhan lied to me?

Ugh...it is going to rain,I should walk faster.

A black van suddenly stopped beside her.Sooyeon turned around and the door of the van slid open.Two guys in mask suddenly grabbed her arm."Yah!!!"Sooyeon yelled as loud as she could,but it was no use.No cars were passing them.The guys pulled her into the van and closed the door.

"Quiet!"hissed the guy.He covered Sooyeon's mouth with a cloth,after a few seconds,Sooyeon fainted."This girl is weak,why would Boss want her?"

"Who knows."


"Luhan!"called Jongdae.Luhan looked towards the gate."Why are you still here?"asked Jongdae.

"Waiting for Sooyeon."replied Luhan.

"But she already went home."said Jongdae.

"That's weird,she sent me a message that she will be late and tell me to wait for her here."said Luhan.

"Sooyeon just called me and said that you sent her a message that you were going to have a sleep over at my house."said Yoonhye.

"But...I didn't."said Luhan,checking his phone.A message was sent.He unlocked the message and saw a picture sent by that unknown number again.

The picture showed a girl,blindfolded.Wait!Isn't that--

"Sooyeon!!"yelled Luhan.Yoonhye and Jongdae looked closely at Luhan's phone."Sooyeon-a!"cried Yoonhye.

Luhan quickly called the unknown person,at the first ring,the person picked up.
"Who are you?!Release Sooyeon!"Luhan yelled.

The unknown person chuckled evily."Don't you recognize my voice?"

This voice sounds so familiar...No,not him.

"Yes.Your old buddy Guo Xing."

"Guo Xing!Release her please.She is innocent."Luhan yelled towards the phone.

"Then come here."Guo Xing said and ended the call.Tears started to form in Luhan's eyes.Because all of it was his fault.His phone suddenly buzzed.It was the address of where he should go to find Sooyeon.

He slammed his car door and drove off.He drove the car in full speed and finally reached the destination.The place was like an old parking lot.Luhan walked in cautiously.

Five guys came out from the side.Luhan fought them with all the fighting skills he had known.All of them were finally down,but another ten came.This is endless.

"Mind if we join the fight?"asked a familiar voice.Eleven of them were behind him.His friends and him started to fight the bad guys.

"Luhan!Go and save Sooyeon."said Junmyeong.

"We will handle this!"said Baekhyun,using his hapkido skills to fight the bad guy in front of him.

Luhan nodded and ran upstairs.Sooyeon was blind folded and Guo Xing was pressing a gun against her head.Sooyeon was shivering and shaking weakly,when she felt something pressed against the back of her head.

"Guo Xing!放她走!这不关她的事。(Let her go!She isn't involved in this matter.)"

Guo Xing chuckled,showing off his perfect row of white teeth."Ani."he replied in Korean.

"Let me tell you a story."said Guo Xing,lifting Sooyeon's chin up.Luhan clenched his fist tightly."The past Luhan and I had,started two years ago."he continued.

"He killed the woman I love."Guo Xing whispered into Sooyeon's ear.

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