III. never hers

293 26 11

vanraj :

I pulled out a cigarette from the packet and sat back in the park.
It was late evening by now.
The sun had set and the stars were out.
I lit it with a matchstick and drew in a deep puff.

How very wonderful is life.

I was too exhausted of Rittika, my helplessness and the wife I never really wanted.

My boss had been pretty unhappy because Anupamaa couldn't go with his wife, but do I care?
Rittika keeps asking me to come back saying I am her one true love.
But do I care?
A big no!

She left on her convenience saying "Don't be a Devdas" and "I have a career and dreams. I can't be a free maid servant to your family".
And now she comes back and wants me to jump into this nonsense and ruin my family.

I can't do that.
Even if it costs my happiness.

I felt a tear slip down the corner of my eye and I didn't have the will to wipe it.
I kept the cigarette to a side and shut my eyes.

"Promise me.. promise me you'll never leave me..", I said as she nodded, beaming.
It was valentine's and I had finally gone down on my knees before her.
She was the daughter of a very rich businessman. But yet she said yes to me.
"I love you, Rittika.", I said as she edged closer.
"I love you too.", She whispered, my face felt hot with the overwhelm of emotions.

I knew my lips curved into a smile.
I desperately wanted her back.
But I cannot ruin my family for her sake.
Love always comes with a price.
And this was too huge for me to pay.

I heard the rustle of dry leaves.
Someone had walked into the park.
I had no idea about the time, but I knew it was too late for anyone to visit the park.

I heard her coughing.
Probably the smoke.

It took me moments to realise who it was.
The distinct scent of spices was stronger than the smoke of cigarettes.

She did not say anything for a few moments.
I did not make an effort to acknowledge her presence. I felt almost numb.

"Are you cheating on me?"

She asked.
I heard a tremor in her voice, she was scared.

Scared of what?
Of losing me when I was never hers?
When we were in a relationship and yet estranged? 


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