II. a traitor

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I saw him pale away abruptly.
No, he hadn't expected that question.

"I-I.. I of course.. of course..", he mumbled awkwardly.
"Anupamaa! I need help in kitchen!", I heard his mother, the other accused being absolutely unapologetic.
The son was mildly better or maybe just doing it because I was the 'mother of his children'.

"Baa is calling you..", He mumbled awkwardly as I stood up, feeling absolutely sick now.
But who cares?
I stay back here for the sake of my health but who really does care about my health?

I dragged myself to the kitchen. Baa had conveniently kept all the chopping for me while she just watched the food cook on the stove.

I drew in a deep breath.

I started chopping the ladies finger. I noticed my husband leave the house saying he suddenly remembered some important work.
I was suddenly feeling very tired.
Probably the screaming and shouting a moment ago had taken a toll.

"Baa.. I.. I am not feeling well..", I mumbled holding my head.
"What?! Go to Vanraj's room and take some rest.", She sounded concerned.

For me or her unborn grandchild?
The answer was very clear after whatever had happened in the last few days.

Nonetheless I kept the knife back and strode down to my husband's room.
It's his house, his room, his children, his family - sometimes I wondered, what was mine in this house except him?
And was he really mine?

I went and sat back on the bed.
Just then I heard a ping sound.
Probably he had left his phone before leaving.

Normally I never checked it, but today somehow I picked his phone from the dressing table, a hand's distance from a bed.

It was a black colour BlackBerry. I was holding it for the first time.
Another message came.
Another ping.

"I know you still..", it read.

I clicked on the big key just below the screen and the messages opened.

That message read,
"I know you still love me Vanraj.. Please.. please come back to me.. We deserve our happily ever after."

It was in English.
And thanks to this whole America thing I had learnt how to read simple English.

The breath left me the moment mind translated the English to Gujarati.
I read the message just above it.

"I am waiting for you even now.. Please.. I am sorry.. I love you baby.."

So.. maybe he really wasn't mine.
What was he?
A traitor?


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