he detached his lips from his forehead and looked at him with teary eyes.

"t- thankyou tae for understanding me " jungkook said with teary eyes.

taehyung gave small smile to him..

"your tae tae will understand you kookie... but i understand your heart so lately..

jungkook shakes his head with teary eyes.

But we can be best friends right.. taehyung said beautiful smile..'
Jungkook nodded his head..and smiled at him.

"Go and claim your man jungkook..' taehyung said with firm tone. Go and get him before it's too late. dont do unlesss like me. he stated with concern voice.

Jungkook looked at him and thinking what taehyung is saying..'

"Go and talk with his dad.. he will definietly understand. it was just marriage proposal, they're didn't even get engaged so you had chance.

"ok... jungkook said in small voice.

It's already getting late better you should you go home..' taehyung said to him while wiping his eyes.

Jungkook really didn't want to leave him right now he want to stay with him for while..'
"I want to spend some alone.." please.. taehyung pleaded him..
Jungkook understand him.. so he didn't force him..at all so at last he agreed to him..'
he gave tight hug once again and sadly walkout from his room..'
taehyung eyes didn't left until jungkook walkout from his room..'

When he went out taehyung burst out into heavy tears..'

"F-Forgive me, Jungkook for all these years, I have caused you so much pain. He said in small voice..'
like that he sat on that same spot and looking at stars with teary eyes..'

They're two of them happily broke-up..for their "precious loves".... They're willing to wait for them with lot of love..'

(A/N: writing break-up scenes is litreally so hard. who ever it maybe it's really so hard.)
Jungkook came to his mansion and quickly went to his room and locked himself..' he throw himself on his bed and burst out into tears..' he feeling so shame and guilt..' because all these days taehyung know about his feelings on jimin..' he didn't expect this.. he's really feeling so guilt..' his heart is bleeding with pain.

Jungkook thought he had to tell taehyung all about himself personally. but he didn't think he needed to know like this. It hurts a lot.

But now jungkook is a little relieved. Because he no need to hide his feelings..' he can openly say he's in love with jimin.

But he's feeling so sad and hurt about taehyung and hobi. He wish hobi can come back to them soon.
Now he's really so desperate to talk with jimin right now. But he's really tired now..' and he's mind also not good
While he thinking all of these he fell into deep slumber.
After few days/-

Eric came to jimin's mansion and talked with him and comfort him. at first eric was really urge to see him when he knew about his cousin hobi left Korea..' he knew the strong bond between them jimin and hobi. So he thought he's really not good in condition he want to stay with him, So he thought he have to meet him but namjoon said to don't meet him. Because namjoon knew jimin is not ready and he didn't like to meet anyone. he said he need some space. so eric understand him so he didn't said anything.

so after few days he came towards him and talk with him. when jimin meet him he felt nervous because when he saw him he was remembering only marriage proposal which he didn't even like it...he only thought him just as friend. but he thought it's his not fault right. so he talked with polietly with small smile, without hurting his feelings and him. after some time he left mansion.

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