14 - Winter

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I jumped awake, "..Yo, Winty. You alright?" I sighed, "No..I keep having nightmares about my great-niece."

"..Well, you are Creation's embodiment, it would make sense." Shiro Kuro sat there and I sighed even more. "..But I shouldn't be creating these nightmares. I want her to be happy and have a different life."

"Then why are you making it so she's alone and coming after you?"

"I can't exactly escape here, remember? They've got Seth." I looked at the jail bars, sighing. Seth had been in the opposite cell for days. Tortured endlessly to relinquish Fate, but it never happened. Creation swirled down, "You could just create a path out of here."

"Tried that. They're using some kind of negation."

"Have you tr-"

"I've tried everything I can think of. I'm also still a ghost so it's not like I can do much besides materialize for moments at a time, Creation. You should just go merge with Sera."

"She has Aura."

"You and both know that she can handle more than one deity in her body."

"Perhaps in time. But right now she hasn't even mastered Aura. No one except your brother over there has shown the usage of two or more deities at one time. And he's currently out of commission."

"..HEY! AUNTIE!" I blinked as..Sera was drug through the hallway and thrown into my cell. "..how the hell..?"

"..Uh..long story short, I hired some mercenaries to help me find my brother, they were part of this organization here you see..and uh..well they just took my money, beat me up and then I woke up here!"


"..Look aunt. Grandma Spring told me to find you. So I took the best possible path to finding you before the Deictic War starts. Alex is training really hard from what I heard..so I figured you could help me train with Aura the best if I found you!" I sighed, "..I'm still a ghost, how am I supposed to help you?"

"Possess me!" I blinked, "ARE YOU INSANE!?"

"No. Grandma Pheles did it before and I survived. I can do it for you."

"That's because she didn't have an embodiment attached to her! If I possess you with Creation attached to me, it'll kill you." She smirked, "No it won't."

Creation sighed, "..It's the only choice you have because no one else knows where you are. After all, this organization did capture both you and Seth with your guards up." I stared at Sera, she was too young. "..Stop babying her." Shiro Kuro poked me, "She's your great-niece and daughter of Sylvana. I highly doubt she's too young to handle you, silly."

"Fine fine. I'll do it tomorrow when you've recovered a little more." She smiled, "Okay!" She laid down on the other bed in the cell and fell asleep. I sighed, watching over both of them, not that I could do much if they tried to take Sera. I watched for hours until the burly warden came in. "Grab her. She has to know more about the deities if she knew exactly who Winter Rose was." I growled, "DON'T TAKE HER!" He smirked, "What are you going to do? Stop me?" The guards opened the door to my cell and grabbed Sera who resisted. She clocked both of them, throwing them out of the cell. "..gr.." The burly man clapped and it echoed.

A woman came in and I felt the dangerous chill. Flowers swirled around her. "..Seraphine Rose. Why are you here?" The burly man blinked, "M-MA'AM!" He backed away and she smiled at Sera. "You came this way for what? A Ghost and a deadbeat Sector Commander?"

"They're my family.." She smiled and her flowers swirled around Sera and her eyes dimmed, "Alex..?" She stood up from her bed, "..It..it can't be." I growled, "Stop tricking her!"

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