5 - Alexander

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I stared at the footage of Sera. "..Why..?" She attacked the Creator and her teachers. And Mom was involved! I turned my head at Trotsky, "Did you know?" He shrugged, "To reveal that would be breaking the law, Alex. But I do know where she is. Your mother was never very good at hiding rift signatures. The Order will have no trouble finding your girlfriend. But tell me this, why did she leave without you?" I shook my head, "..Don't know, but I'll find her." He laughed, "If you go where she went, you will die. You know that right?" I nodded, "But it's worth it. She's the only girl I know who'd do something that crazy with a reason." He nodded, "True. I guess she does have a reason for doing what she did. But your Mom is in custody for sending her where she sent her and the Order is looking at you to bring her back."

"To bring her back? She left for a reason. I doubt she'll want to come." He shrugged, "That's not our call. The Order wants her back, for obvious reasons. Even if it comes to physical action." I shook my head, "The hell? You want to fight her to bring her back?" He shrugged, "That's what her mother said. Rogue had no say." I slammed my fist on the desk, "So you expect us to go there and take her by force!? We don't even know the people she's with!" He smirked, "But we do. They're called the Unaligned." I sighed, "That's not the point. Do you know these people?" He shook his head, "They've stayed out of our politics for a reason, Alexx. But nonetheless. We have to comply with the Order for now anyways." He opened a rift and there was the fleet. "..you need an entire fleet for these guys?" He nodded. "They're dangerous."

"So Sera is with dangerous people?" We stepped through the rift and he laughed, "Dangerous doesn't cut it." Hikari stood there, looking at me with Rogue. Serena was behind them. "..So he agreed?" Trotsky shrugged, "He only walked with me. He's against us taking her back by all means." Hikari smirked, "Yeah. He's her boyfriend. I would expect him to be against us knocking her out with brute force. After all, she won't come willingly. Even with him. The Unaligned are a dangerous bunch of people. Too dangerous to take on alone, and this Navy will hardly keep us safe if one particular person of that bunch is with them."

"Which one?" We all turned as someone was leaning against the wall of the hallway. "..The one who can cut through these metallic ships like cheese? Or the one that punch them into oblivion. Or better yet, the marksmen that can snipe them from planetary systems away? Or perhaps me. The Jack of All trades?" The chill, it was..different. Far more deadly than anyone Sera or I had felt. Hikari put a hand on my shoulder, "Move." She threw me back to Trotsky as she stepped in front. He had this look in his eyes, annoyance. "I usually don't get involved in your schemes, Destroyers. Frankly, your system pisses me off. But I came here to thank you for the new student. She's taken a liking to my manipulator and my swordsman. But she's also intrigued by the other teachers. Teachers that could've killed her the second she landed on my planet. Fortunately for her and unfortunately for you, she had the right reasons that appealed to us." He flicked Hikari's nose. "You're strong, Hikari Sei. But not strong enough to take on the entire Unaligned. You'll die with this measly Navy of yours and become yet another Martyr for Marcella. You don't want that do you?" He grinned, staring back at me, "Ah! You're the one she's told me about. Her boyfriend. Those eyes..and that aura. You're a Stryker! Impressive. I can see you care for her. Do you want to come visit her? These people won't stop me."

He pushed Hikari out of the way without a second thought and gazed down at me, "Well?" I nodded, barely able to speak, "Y-Yea." He laughed, "It's right to be scared, boy, but don't worry. So long as Seraphine is a student of mine and you stay her boyfriend. You won't be harmed." He opened a rift and led me through, laughing at them as he closed the rift, "If you can't even save this boy from making his own choices, what good will you do trying to save Seraphine?" I froze as Sera was right there, sweating with a sword in her hand. A real sword! It had barely been a few days and if she had never tried swords before..to progress this fast. She blinked at me but then blocked a huge strike by a monster swordsman. He kicked her backwards but she chased, slamming her foot into the ground and blasting into him. Their clash was so fast. "..Still too slow Seraphine." He stood over her as she groaned, "..everytime!" She hopped up, the wound on her chest healing from another person. "...ALEX!" She came running to me and hugged me. The Jack of All Trades looked at me, "Enjoy your short time with her, Alex. The Destroyers will come the both of you soon. It will be a struggle despite the power difference. They have numbers. And currently our Marksmen is..well, setting up." The swordsman looked to me, "A Stryker? Damn Seraphine. Here I took you as a less than commitment person." Sera turned, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" She slammed him over the hand, "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" The swordsman yelped and hit her back and she slammed him even harder, "TAKE IT BACK!" She had him on the ground and we all laughed. She got up and looked at me, "Do you hate me?" I blinked, "Eh?" I tilted her chin up, smirking, "Why would I hate my girlfriend for making her own decisions? As long as you have a good reason. I'll support you." She grinned and we kissed. The swordsman looked to me, "..You have a strong heart to say those words, Alex. It's not every generation that a Rose finds love such as your own." He got up, "You lot remember the love between Spring and Pheles don't you?" I nodded and he nodded back, "It seems you two will be the ones that stick together through thick and thin, and I hope so as well. Your intentions are both good for this Omniverse."

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